Learn more about Grammar:
Adjectives: An Easy Guide with ExamplesAdverbial Clause: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesAdverbs: Definition, Meaning, Usage and ExamplesAnalogy: Definition & Meaning (with Examples)ArticlesBad Adverbs: What Makes an Adverb "Bad" and Why (with examples)Clauses: Definition, Meaning, and How to Use ThemConjunctions: Definition, Grammar Rules and ExamplesCoordinating Conjunctions: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesDangling ModifiersDeclarative Sentence: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesExaggerationHomophones: Definition and ExamplesInfinitivesInterjections: Definition, Meaning, and ExamplesIntransitive Verb: Definition, Meaning, and ExamplesNouns: Definition, Meaning and Types Explained (with examples)Participles PluralsPrepositional Phrase: What Is It & How to UsePrepositionsPronoun: Definition, Meaning and Types Explained (with examples)Split Infinitive: The Complete Guide (with Examples)Subordinate Clause: Definition, Types, and ExamplesSubordinating Conjunctions: What Are They? (with Examples in Sentences)The Complete Guide to Transitive VerbsTransition Words and Phrases in EnglishTypes of VerbsVerbs: Types of Verbs, Definition and ExamplesWhat Is Symbolism in Writing?Word ClassesDiction Report

ProWritingAid's Diction Report identifies awkwardly constructed sentences so you can reword them and make them easier to understand. It also highlights vague and abstract words that you can replace to make your writing more clear.
Here are some best practices that we cover in the Diction Report:
Less Is More
When it comes to writing, make every word count. Many writers often choose complicated or lengthy sentence structures when a shorter one would be more effective. Here are some common corrections recommended in the Diction Report:
for the reason that ➡ because
in close proximity to ➡ near
it is our opinion that ➡ we think
serves the function of being ➡ is
Be Specific
Vague words create an unclear picture for your readers. Did you describe your protagonist as a beautiful woman? Beautiful is subjective: it means different things to different people. Use specific adjectives and phrases to be more clear.