Learn more about Grammar:
Adjectives: An Easy Guide with ExamplesAdverbial Clause: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesAdverbs: Definition, Meaning, Usage and ExamplesAnalogy: Definition & Meaning (with Examples)ArticlesBad Adverbs: What Makes an Adverb "Bad" and Why (with examples)Clauses: Definition, Meaning, and How to Use ThemConjunctions: Definition, Grammar Rules and ExamplesCoordinating Conjunctions: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesDangling ModifiersDeclarative Sentence: Definition, Meaning and ExamplesExaggerationHomophones: Definition and ExamplesInfinitivesInterjections: Definition, Meaning, and ExamplesIntransitive Verb: Definition, Meaning, and ExamplesNouns: Definition, Meaning and Types Explained (with examples)Participles PluralsPrepositional Phrase: What Is It & How to UsePrepositionsPronoun: Definition, Meaning and Types Explained (with examples)Split Infinitive: The Complete Guide (with Examples)Subordinate Clause: Definition, Types, and ExamplesSubordinating Conjunctions: What Are They? (with Examples in Sentences)The Complete Guide to Transitive VerbsTransition Words and Phrases in EnglishTypes of VerbsVerbs: Types of Verbs, Definition and ExamplesWhat Is Symbolism in Writing?Word ClassesAre you missing a word?

Is your sentence missing a word? This check helps you identify if you've misplaced a noun or verb that would make your sentence complete.
All sentences need a noun and a verb to be considered complete sentences. Any sentence without a noun or a verb is considered a sentence fragment.