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Words like currently and presently are adverbs. They serve no real purpose in your work and can often be omitted.
These phrases provide an unnecessary indication of the passing of time. Adding them to your work doesn't add anything; in fact, they can make your writing longer and less clear than it should be.
Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They can also be filler words that show the passage of time or transitions in ideas. While adverbs are not always bad (and sometimes are necessary), too many adverbs can clutter up your writing.
These adverbs are not usually necessary. The first thing you can try is eliminating the words all together. Is the message still clear without it? If so, leave currently and presently out.
But if you still need to show the passage of time, there might be a better way to do it. You can be more specific with the time. Specificity makes your points stronger.
- Presently, our sales are showing a steady increase.
- As of last week, our sales have shown a steady increase.
You can also use more accessible words, depending on your audience.
- Presently, he is looking for a new job.
- Right now, he is looking for a new job.
You can also restructure the sentence and change the words to adjectives. Adjectives read easier than clunky adverbs.
- Currently, the temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The current temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
When editing out unnecessary adverbs, ask yourself:
- Is this word necessary or does it make sense without it?
- Can I say the same thing in a different way?
- Do I need to restructure my sentences for clarity?