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Allows + gerund, e.g. allows identifying, is incorrect.
You need use the infinitive (base) form of the verb instead of the gerund (-ing) form of the verb. You also need to include a subject, giving the structure allow + subject + infinitive, e.g. allows you to identify.
Alternatively, you could use the noun form of the verb with the structure allows + noun + preposition, e.g. allows identification of, followed by the object.
Examples of allows in a sentence
The power of adaptation allows you to discover multiple uses for each item carried in your kit.- 98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin; Russ Miller
The ability to improvise and adapt allows you to make use of every opportunity.- 98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin; Russ Miller
Doing so allows the body to use the skin and underlying fatty layer as insulation.- 98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin; Russ Miller
Focusing on the basics allows for carrying less while improving options.- 98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin; Russ Miller