Learn more about Punctuation:
Apostrophe: Definition, Meaning, Usage, and ExamplesColon Punctuation Rules: Grammar GuideCommaDashEllipsis: Examples and MeaningExclamation PointHyphenHyphenationParenthesesPeriod Punctuation: Rules and ExamplesQuestion Mark: Rules, Usage, and ExamplesQuotation MarksSlashWhen to Use a SemicolonShould you use a comma before "while"?

While is a subordinating conjunction, but in some circumstances it can act as an adverb of concession as well. In these circumstances it should have a comma before it.
If you can replace while with as, then it shouldn't have a comma before it. It is just a normal subordinating conjunction.
- The man left the restaurant while it was raining.
If you can replace while with whereas then you should use a comma before it because it is being used as an adverb of concession.
- "I enjoy the crispness of autumn, while my partner prefers the warmer summer weather.