Writing Techniques Style Improvements Create Links Between You and Your Employer in Your Cover Letter

Create Links Between You and Your Employer in Your Cover Letter

Create Links Between You and Your Employer in Your Cover Letter

Is your cover letter all about you?

The answer to that question should actually be “No!”

Yes, your cover letter is your opportunity to show your employer all you can do. More importantly, though, it’s your opportunity to show your employer what you can do for and with them.

To do that, make sure your cover letter provides at least one strong and obvious link between you and your potential employer by using a sentence that links "I" (you) with "you" (the company). For example, "My experience in marketing means that I can help you grow your online media presence."

## Links Create Connections Between You and Your Potential Employer

Links are statements that show connections. In your cover letter, you want to make strong “I-You” connections between yourself—your experience, qualifications, professional ethos—and your new position/employers. For example,

  • "Through my extensive marketing experience, I can help your company expand its visibility and reach."
  • "As a dedicated educator, I share your institution’s goals of helping all students learn and succeed."
  • "I will use my innovative (and delicious) cake designs to generate excitement and bring new customers through your bakery doors."

Links Show Perspective Employers That You Care About Their Company

Links show your potential employer that you have taken the time to learn about their company, from what it does to why they do it to how they can do it better. You can’t create a true link if you haven’t taken the time to do some research to learn what this company is about.

Links create a sense of “team” and demonstrate that you’re not just seeking a job for you, you’re actually interested in working with your future colleagues and employers to make their company more successful overall.

Links also open the door for you to present your strengths and show their relevance to the position you’re seeking. Notice how each of the link examples serves as a lead-in to develop specific examples of achievements or experiences or qualifications. Sure, it’s good to share those strengths, but it’s much better to show how they will benefit your potential employer.

Job seekers often use their cover letters just to sing their own praises. Don’t be like every other job seeker. Use your cover letter to link your achievements to the position you’re pursuing and highlight what you can do for your (hopefully!) new place of employment.