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The words witch and which are often confused because they sound similar. Do you know the difference?
Which means what one? when used as a pronoun.
Witch means a person who practices witchcraft; specifically: when used as a noun.
A good way to remember the difference is The witch had an itch.
Out of the two words, 'which' is the most common. It appears about 690 times more frequently than 'witch'.
Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. These types of words are easy to mix up.
Which can be both a pronoun and an adjective. It means "what one, whichever, that."
Witch is a noun that means "a person, especially a female, who practices witchcraft or magic."
Is the correct expression 'a witch hunt' or 'a which hunt'?
The correct phrase is 'a witch hunt'. These phrases are often confused because they are homophones.
Is the phrase 'the extent to which' or 'the extent to witch'?
The right phrase is 'the extent to which'. These phrases are often confused because they sound the same.
Is the correct phrase ', in which the' or ', in witch the'?
The right phrase is ', in which the'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.
What's the correct phrase ', which had been' or ', witch had been'?
The correct expression is ', which had been'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.
What's the right phrase 'the way in which' or 'the way in witch'?
The correct expression is 'the way in which'. These phrases are often confused because they sound similar.
Should it be ', which is the' or ', witch is the'?
You should use ', which is the'. These phrases are often confused because they sound the same.
Some synonyms of witch are: crone, enchantress, sorceress, mage.
Some synonyms of which are: whichever, that.
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The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary.
Examples of witch in a sentence
She called herself a Sister of the Light, but she was still a sorceress, a streganicha, a witch.- Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind
He stood on the afterdeck, watching witch-fire dance in their wake, and sought some inner peace.“I- Ship of magic by Robin Hobb
He had to wake her up—but he was just a doctor, not a witch doctor.- Ravish: The Awakening of Sleeping Beauty by Cathy Yardley
It was assumed, moreover, that she was a witch and a sorceress.- The shadow of the wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón; Lucía Graves
Now he finds he's married to a shouting, tearful, angry witch.- Babyville by Jane Green
Examples of which in a sentence
Max particularly liked a Picasso in which a weathered old man cradled a guitar.- The Hound of Rowan by Henry H. Neff
The first of which was the Sudden and Sensuous Kiss.- Mystery Bride by B. J. Daniels
She glared at me and muttered, “Punk,” which must’ve meant she was in a good mood.- The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
The army then turned to Dalasia, which proved to be an easy conquest.- Demon Lord of Karanda by David Eddings
It even has a past, which in this world amounts to a virtual miracle.- Grand Junction by Maurice G. Dantec