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The words serval and several are often confused by writers. In this article, we explain the difference between them.
Several means being more than two but fewer than many when used as an adjective.
Serval means a medium-sized African wild cat when used as a noun.
A good way to remember the difference is Several has several vowels.
Out of the two words, 'several' is the most common. It appears about 10857 times more frequently than 'serval'.
It's easy to mix up words with similar spellings like several and serval.
Several is an adjective that means "more than two but fewer than many."
Serval is a type of nocturnal, long-limbed African cat.
Should I use ', there are several' or ', there are serval'?
The correct phrase is ', there are several'. These phrases are often confused by writers.
Is the correct phrase 'several hundred thousand dollars' or 'serval hundred thousand dollars'?
The right expression is 'several hundred thousand dollars'. These phrases are often confused by writers.
Which is correct 'for several years .' or 'for serval years .'?
The correct expression is 'for several years .'. These phrases are often confused by writers.
What's the correct phrase 'for several years ,' or 'for serval years ,'?
The right expression is 'for several years ,'. These phrases are often confused by writers.
Is the phrase 'the past several years' or 'the past serval years'?
The correct phrase is 'the past several years'. These phrases are often confused by writers.
Some synonyms of serval are: wildcat, felis serval.
Some synonyms of several are: various, some , a few.
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The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary.
Examples of several in a sentence
They were big, thin, bucktoothed kids, about my age but several grades behind me.- Cropper's cabin by Jim Thompson
Several male officers at the desk next to them started laughing suddenly.- The Replacement Child by Christine Barber
They passed several huge pieces, a madonna and child, a nude, an abstract shape.- The wandering fire by Guy Gavriel Kay
We went across the fields and took several hedges at a gallop.- Weighed in the balance by Anne Perry
There were, however, several things about her that did cause him concern.- Mystery Bride by B. J. Daniels