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AbbreviationsCapitalizationCompound Words: Everything You Need to KnowContractionsSpellingWhat is the difference between 'alway' and 'always'?

The words alway and always are often confused because they are easy to mistype. But what is the difference?
Always means at all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually when used as an adverb.
Alway is an archaic word that means all along; for all time, perpetually when used as an adverb.
A good way to remember the difference is Always always has an S.
Out of the two words, 'always' is the most common. It appears about 1073 times more frequently than 'alway'.
Always and alway are easy to mistype, but only one of them is correct.
Both words are adverbs that mean forever, continually, perpetually. However, we no longer use the word alway. It is not used in Modern English. Always is the correct form to use, unless you are quoting an archaic text.
Is the correct expression 'alway , even unto' or 'always , even unto'?
The correct expression is 'always , even unto'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.
What's the right phrase 'am with you alway' or 'am with you always'?
The correct phrase is 'am with you always'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.
Is the phrase 'you alway , even' or 'you always , even'?
The right phrase is 'you always, even'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.
Which is right 'alway delivered unto death' or 'always delivered unto death'?
The correct phrase is 'alway delivered unto death'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.
What's the correct phrase 'perform thy statutes alway' or 'perform thy statutes always'?
You should use 'perform thy statutes alway'. These phrases are often confused because they look similar.
Is the right expression 'always gives 110 percent' or 'alway gives 110 percent'?
The right expression is 'always gives 110 percent'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.
Should it be 'grass is always greener' or 'grass is alway greener'?
You should use 'grass is always greener'. These phrases are often confused because they look similar.
Some synonyms of always are: ever, forever, perpetually, continually.
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The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary.
Examples of alway in a sentence
May God Alway Bless You.Mr &- Letters to Jackie: Condolences from a Grieving Nation by Ellen Fitzpatrick
That I shall love alway, I offer thee That love is life, And life hath immortality.- The collected poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson; Rachel Wetzsteon
There alway- has to be a bit of red tape and all that if you lose yol;- Passenger to Frankfurt by Agatha Christie
Examples of always in a sentence
He looked sleepy and young, but he always looked young to her.- The wandering fire by Guy Gavriel Kay
Nouri was always a bit relieved when he heard the boy thump and settle on the stoop.- The Rise and Fall of a Dragonking by Lynn Abbey
Scanner Lady always wanted to talk to the male editors, never to her.- The Replacement Child by Christine Barber
He could always start deleting any e-mail that came without an @ sign and domain name.- In the night room: a novel by Peter Straub
He was always saying that they were all streaked with the tarbrush—that they were part nigger.- Cropper's cabin by Jim Thompson