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AbbreviationsCapitalizationCompound Words: Everything You Need to KnowContractionsSpellingWhat is the difference between 'he' and 'the'?

The words he and the are often confused because they have a similar spelling. But what is the difference?
The means a definite article that refers to one specific item when used as a determiner.
He means refers to a male person or animal already known or implied when used as a pronoun.
A good way to remember the difference is The Thing. The refers to one thing, and they both start with TH.
Out of the two words, 'the' is the most common.
It's easy to leave out a letter when typing, so the and he are often confused. Let's take a look at the difference.
The is a determiner. It's one of three articles in English that refer to one item. The is the definite article, which means that it refers to a specific, known noun.
He is a subject pronoun. It is used for people that identify as male. It is also used for male animals.
Is the right expression ', " he said' or ', " the said'?
The right expression is ', " he said'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.
What's the correct phrase '" he said .' or '" the said .'?
The correct phrase is '" he said .'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.
Is the expression '" he said ,' or '" the said ,'?
The correct phrase is '" he said ,'. These phrases are often confused because they look similar.
Which is right 'he said , "' or 'the said , "'?
The right expression is 'he said , "'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.
Which is correct ', he said ,' or ', the said ,'?
The correct phrase is ', he said ,'. These phrases are often confused because they have a similar spelling.
Is the correct expression 'On the other hand' or 'On he oher hand'?
You should use 'On the other hand'. These phrases are often confused because they have a similar spelling.
Should I use 'the other hand ,' or 'he oher hand ,'?
You should use 'the other hand ,'. These phrases are often confused because they look similar.
What's the correct phrase 'at the same time' or 'at he same time'?
The right expression is 'at the same time'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.
Should it be 'in the United States' or 'in he United States'?
The correct phrase is 'in the United States'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.
Should it be 'of the United States' or 'of he United States'?
The right phrase is 'of the United States'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.
Some synonyms of he are: man, guy, him, his, male.
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The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary.
Examples of he in a sentence
He had every confidence in a satisfactory outcome.- Weighed in the balance by Anne Perry
The man immediately remembered where he was and the day of the week and the time of the day.- From Russia with love: a James Bond novel by Ian Fleming
He was only eight years old;- Beyond belief by Roy Johansen
I’d tried to warn him it wasn’t a good idea, but he wouldn’t listen.- The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
But he made no move against the military headquarters at Mal Zeth;- Demon Lord of Karanda by David Eddings
Examples of the in a sentence
The Heart of Devin MacKade [070-066-4.6]- The heart of Devin MacKade by Nora Roberts
The strong, capable hand of a man who worked for his living.- Mystery Bride by B. J. Daniels
THE BATTLE- The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
A Signet Book / published by arrangement with the author- Nothing gold can stay by Dana Stabenow
THE FIONAVAR TAPESTRY BOOK 2- The wandering fire by Guy Gavriel Kay