The Grammar Guide Abbreviations "be imposition to" vs "impose"

"be imposition to" vs "impose"

"be imposition to" vs "impose"

Imposition is a noun that means "unwanted burden." It requires a determiner in the singular form. Impose is a verb that means "to force something unwelcome into effect."

  • I hope I am not being an imposition.
  • I hope I am not imposing.

When "impose" follows another verb form, such as a form of "be," you should use the present participle (imposing) or the past participle (imposed).

Imposition is a noun. It means "an unwanted burden that is forced upon someone." In the singular form, imposition requires a determiner, which is usually an.

  • Their presence is an imposition because I need to study.
  • My houseguests are impositions on the health of my marriage.

Impose is a verb that means "to force an unwanted or undesirable burden onto someone." The present partciple is imposing and the past participle is imposed.

  • The king imposed a new tax on his citizens.
  • The school imposes several strict, new rules every year.
  • Am I imposing on you and your husband?
  • She has imposed on us long enough.