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Rises and raises both mean "ascend" or "move upward", but the difference is in how it gets there.
When something rises, it does it on its own power. Rises is an intransitive verb, meaning there is no object that accompanies it. e.g. The sun rises every morning.
On the other hand, when something raises, it's a transitive verb that is followed by an object. e.g. She raises her hand timidly, even though she's certain of the answer.
Simply ask yourself: is my subject rising on its own, or is something raising it up?
Examples of rises in a sentence
But when the curtain rises, he's wearing Gracie Hansen's gowns and jewelry, laughing her laugh.- Fugitives and refugees: a walk in Portland, Oregon by Chuck Palahniuk
When the thermometer rises, cell membranes begin to lose their elasticity and can actually melt.- 98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive by Cody Lundin; Russ Miller
My stomach rises in abrupt horror, and I clap a hand over my mouth.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins
Ethan rises and offers Corinne his hand, which she grabs gratefully.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins
Examples of raises in a sentence
His right eyebrow raises.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins
She raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins
She takes a hard look at me, then raises an eyebrow.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins
Ethan’s eyebrow raises.- The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins