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AbbreviationsCapitalizationCompound Words: Everything You Need to KnowContractionsSpellingWhich is correct: "bedroom" or "bed room"?

Bedroom is the correct form because it is a composite noun. Bed room is incorrect.
Bedroom is normally a noun, but can occasionally be used as an adjective, e.g. bedroom comedy.
The plural of "bedroom" is "bedrooms".
- I’ll get the radio from the bedroom.
- This house has four bedrooms.
- Alan Ayckbourn is best known for his bedroom comedies.
Examples of bedroom in a sentence
Ruth heard him on the phone in the third bedroom, which they used as a den.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Allison wandered out of Ruth’s bedroom and into Bethany’s.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Once they were gone, she cleaned the bedroom and bathroom until the porcelain and chrome shone;- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
She stowed the towels in the hall linen closet and then headed for the back bedroom.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond