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Two, too, and to are pronounced in the same way but all three have very different meanings.
Two is a number and is the written form of the numeral "2", e.g. "Daniel and Rebecca decided, as there were only two of them, they should wait for more people to arrive."
Too is used with adverbs or adjectives to denote an excess of something, or as a synonym for "also" or "as well", e.g. I ate too many tacos and now I feel sick (an excess of tacos); "I am going to go to the party, too (I am also going to the party).
To is the most common of these three words and has several uses. It is a preposition before a noun and can mean "towards", or it can form part of the infinitive of a verb. e.g. I walk to school every day (preposition before noun meaning "towards the school"); I think is it going to rain today (part of the infinitive of the verb "to rain").
Examples of to in a sentence
AS SOON AS HUGH AND RUTH HAD GONE TO BED,…- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
She had a tendency, even under routine circumstances, to dither.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
He was only forty-six, but he could have belonged to their parents’ generation.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
He was, conceivably, the last man in America to own Hush Puppies.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Examples of too in a sentence
Holly—Holly Jensen—was Bethy’s agent, too.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
She was plain now, and she’d been plain then, too, though quite a few pounds thinner.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Maybe her mother could feel it, too.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Allison guessed her mother was working it, too, only she was playing for higher stakes.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Examples of two in a sentence
TWO OR THREE TIMES NOW, QUINN HAD DREAMED ABOUT hands.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
They were two cars from the intersection of Santa Monica and Highland.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
They’d been married for twenty-two years, known each other for twenty-three.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond
Bethy had two more lines, and they were both laden with emotion.- Seeing Stars by Diane Hammond