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Writing Apps

Linguix vs Grammarly: Which Is Better for You?

linguix vs grammarly

Using an AI-powered writing assistant is a fantastic method to guarantee your writing is effective, clear, and professional.

Linguix and Grammarly are two popular grammar-checking tools on the market today. Grammarly is a grammar checker that helps you strengthen your prose, while Linguix offers many similar features at a slightly lower price.

So, how do you choose between Grammarly and Linguix?

This article will summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and help you select the one that works for you.

  1. Quick Summary of Linguix
  2. Quick Summary of Grammarly
  3. Comparing Key Features of Linguix vs Grammarly
  4. Pricing of Linguix and Grammarly
  5. Why ProWritingAid Is the Best Alternative
  6. Conclusion on Linguix vs Grammarly

Quick Summary of Linguix

Linguix is a proofreading software created in 2018 to help writers improve communication. Though it’s a newer software than Grammarly, it’s already become a popular grammar checking tool.

Its features include a spellchecker, a grammar checker, style checking, and a plagiarism checker.

what is linguix

Linguix also has a paraphrasing tool that can help you restructure your sentences. That way, you can fix an unwieldy sentence with little effort.

Plus, Linguix offers several content templates you can use for different types of content, such as email, social posts, essays, and business writing. Using a template can be a great way to get started on a new document.

With all of these features, Linguix is a reliable writing assistant that can make your writing clearer and more effective.

Quick Summary of Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant founded in 2009. It looks for spelling issues, grammar mistakes, and stylistic weaknesses in your writing.

It draws attention to everything from typos and punctuation errors to writing style weaknesses, such as unnecessary adverbs, overly wordy sentences, and more. It also provides word choice recommendations based on your target audience and tone.

what is grammarly

Grammarly also gives you a readability score, which grades your writing based on word length, sentence length, and vocabulary level.

Just like Linguix, Grammarly includes a plagiarism checker. It assigns you a plagiarism score by comparing your work to existing work.

Overall, Grammarly is a well-rounded writing assistant that gives you a robust view of all errors in your writing, along with suggestions for how to improve them.

Comparing Key Features of Linguix vs Grammarly

Here’s our assessment of how Linguix and Grammarly stack up in four key categories: grammar checker, plagiarism checker, integrations, and other features.

Grammar Checker

Both Grammarly and Linguix are robust grammar checkers that can catch all your basic grammatical mistakes.

However, Linguix doesn’t catch as many subtle weaknesses as Grammarly does. It focuses more on grammar errors rather than advanced stylistic problems that could be improved.

If you’re looking for more sophisticated suggestions, Grammarly wins.

Plagiarism Checker

With Grammarly's plagiarism detector, you can find potentially copied content and swap it out for more unique writing. You can do limitless plagiarism checks for free with the premium plan.

Linguix also has a great plagiarism checker. However, running a plagiarism check will cost you one credit per document, which is equivalent to a dollar. That can get expensive fast if you’re a student or an educator.

Grammarly’s free plagiarism checker wins in this category.


You can use Grammarly with many platforms, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and most web browsers.

Linguix also has advanced integration features that allow you to use it with tools like Gmail, Google Docs, and the Microsoft Office suite.

Grammarly and Linguix tie in this category.

Other Features

Many Linguix users love its paraphrasing tool, which makes it easy to rewrite entire sentences. Grammarly also has the ability to reword sentences, but rewriting isn’t one of its key strengths.

Pricing of Linguix and Grammarly

Both Grammarly and Linguix have free versions, which let you access a limited set of features. To unlock the more advanced features, you’ll need to subscribe to the premium version of each tool.

You can purchase Grammarly’s premium edition with three different payment options. The monthly plan costs $30/month, the quarterly plan costs $60 (which is equivalent to $20/month), and the annual plan costs $144 (which is equivalent to $12/month).

If you’re a business owner or an educator, you can also subscribe to Grammarly Business or Grammarly for Education, which has different payment plans and different perks.

Linguix is more affordable than Grammarly. You can get the monthly plan for $15/month, or the annual plan for $66 (which is equivalent to $5.50/month).

Why ProWritingAid Is the Best Alternative

If you’re considering investing in Grammarly or Linguix, you should also consider ProWritingAid.

ProWritingAid does more than just check your writing for grammar and spelling errors. It also has over 20 reports that offer sophisticated recommendations to help you learn about the strengths and weaknesses in your writing.

what is ProWritingAid

Here are just a few of the reports you get with ProWritingAid:

  • Overused Words Report: points out words that weaken your writing, such as “very,” “just,” and “maybe”
  • Contextual Thesaurus Report: enables you to explore a wide selection of synonyms for any particular word, so you can use the most effective word choices possible
  • Sentence Length Report: makes sure you’re using varying sentence lengths to keep the reader interested, instead of too many short and choppy sentences
  • Consistency Check: makes sure you’re using consistent hyphenation, capitalization, punctuation, and other formatting conventions
  • Plagiarism Report: checks your work against over a billion web pages and articles to make sure you’ve cited any content you’re using
  • Author Comparison: lets you compare your own writing to that of famous authors

ProWritingAid also integrates seamlessly with your favorite word processing software, whether that’s Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Scrivener.

It's a great default writing assistant for students, casual writers, freelance writers, and more.

Conclusion on Linguix vs Grammarly

At the end of the day, both Linguix and Grammarly are accurate writing assistants that can improve your writing.

Many writing tools offer sophisticated analysis, but ProWritingAid goes even further. ProWritingAid is the obvious choice if you're seeking an online editing tool you can use to polish your writing, no matter what or where you write.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.