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Grammar Parts Of Speech

Adverb Examples and Usage

adverb examples

Adverbs are words that modify other words or phrases, besides nouns, in a sentence. People often think that all adverbs end in -ly. While many do, this is not the case for all adverbs.

In this article, you’ll find a list of over three hundred adverbs, along with examples of how to use adverbs in sentences.

  1. Adverb Definition
  2. Adverbs Meaning
  3. Types of Adverbs Examples
  4. Adverb Examples in Sentences
  5. How to Use Adverbs

Adverb Definition

The definition of an adverb is a word that modifies another part of speech in a sentence. Adverbs often modify verbs, but sometimes they modify adjectives, other adverbs, or even clauses. They do not modify nouns—adjectives do that.

Adverb clauses are phrases of two or more words that function as an adverb. For example, in order to is a conjunctive adverb. The three words work together to make an adverb clause.

what is an adverb

Adverbs Meaning

What does it mean to modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or other parts of speech? “Modify” means “change,” but in grammar, we use it to mean adding additional information.

Adverbs can explain how or to what extent something occurs. They can tell you when, where, or how often something happens. Adverbs can even add opinions to sentences.

We use adverbs to clarify, explain, or describe. They express emphasis and help set the scene. Because adverbs can modify other adverbs, we can even combine adverbs to add additional emphasis (e.g. very rarely).

Adverbs don’t always end in -ly, but if you see word ending in -ly, it’s a good clue that you’ve found an adverb.

Take a look at this example sentence:

  • She glared coolly at her ex-husband.

The adverb “coolly” modifies the verb “glared.” It tells how she glared.

Here’s an example of how an adverb can modify adjectives:

  • The toddler is extremely energetic.

“Energetic” is an adjective. The adverb “extremely” tells us to what degree the toddler is energetic.

Now, let’s look at how adverbs might modify other adverbs.

  • She did very well on her Chemistry test.

“Very” and “well” are both adverbs. “Very” tells us how well she did.

Types of Adverbs Examples

Adverbs fall into several categories. These are manner, place, frequency, purpose, time, degree, and evaluation.

These categories are somewhat arbitrary. Different authorities and sources may include only a few of these categories. Some adverbs can fit into more than one category.

We have compiled a list of 312 examples of adverbs below. This is not an exhaustive list—there are hundreds more adverbs in the English language.

Types of adverbs

Adverbs of Manner

The most common type of adverb is an adverb of manner. Adverbs of manner describe how something is done or how it occurs. These are often the types of words people think of when they think of adverbs. Most -ly adverbs are adverbs of manner.

Here is a list of 153 adverbs of manner:

  1. Abnormally
  2. Absentmindedly
  3. Accidentally
  4. Adversely
  5. Amazingly
  6. Angrily
  7. Awkwardly
  8. Badly
  9. Beautifully
  10. Bleakly
  11. Blindly
  12. Boldly
  13. Bravely
  14. Briefly
  15. Busily
  16. Calmly
  17. Cautiously
  18. Clearly
  19. Cleverly
  20. Commonly
  21. Cooly
  22. Correctly
  23. Cruelly
  24. Daringly
  25. Dangerously
  26. Dastardly
  27. Dearly
  28. Deceptively
  29. Delightfully
  30. Diligently
  31. Drearily
  32. Dumbly
  33. Eagerly
  34. Easily
  35. Energetically
  36. Evenly
  37. Excitedly
  38. Fairly
  39. Fast
  40. Fatally
  41. Ferociously
  42. Fiercely
  43. Foolishly
  44. Freely
  45. Gently
  46. Gladly
  47. Gracefully
  48. Happily
  49. Hastily
  50. Heavily
  51. Helpfully
  52. Honestly
  53. Hopefully
  54. Hungrily
  55. Idiotically
  56. Inadequately
  57. Innocently
  58. Intensely
  59. Irritably
  60. Jauntily
  61. Jealously
  62. Joyfully
  63. Justly
  64. Kindly
  65. Knowingly
  66. Languorously
  67. Lazily
  68. Lightly
  69. Loftily
  70. Loosely
  71. Loudly
  72. Loyally
  73. Lovingly
  74. Madly
  75. Meanly
  76. Merrily
  77. Miserably
  78. Mysteriously
  79. Nastily
  80. Nefariously
  81. Nervously
  82. Nicely
  83. Noxiously
  84. Noisily
  85. Obediently
  86. Oddly
  87. Openly
  88. Painfully
  89. Passively
  90. Patiently
  91. Perfectly
  92. Physically
  93. Politely
  94. Poorly
  95. Promptly
  96. Properly
  97. Proudly
  98. Punctually
  99. Quaintly
  100. Quickly
  101. Quietly
  102. Rabidly
  103. Rarely
  104. Readily
  105. Reassuringly
  106. Reluctantly
  107. Righteously
  108. Roughly
  109. Rudely
  110. Sadly
  111. Safely
  112. Searchingly
  113. Selfishly
  114. Seriously
  115. Sharply
  116. Shrilly
  117. Shyly
  118. Sinisterly
  119. Sleepily
  120. Smoothly
  121. Soberly
  122. Softly
  123. Stealthily
  124. Sternly
  125. Stubbornly
  126. Stupidly
  127. Surprisingly
  128. Sweetly
  129. Tacitly
  130. Terribly
  131. Thankfully
  132. Tightly
  133. Timidly
  134. Truthfully
  135. Understandingly
  136. Unhappily
  137. Unwillingly
  138. Upbeat
  139. Uselessly
  140. Vaguely
  141. Vainly
  142. Verbally
  143. Viciously
  144. Violently
  145. Voraciously
  146. Wanly
  147. Warmly
  148. Wetly
  149. Widely
  150. Willingly
  151. Wonderfully
  152. Yearningly
  153. Zestily

Adverbs tip

Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place tell where something occurs. These are also called spatial adverbs. Adverbs of place don’t usually end in -ly.

Some adverbs of place might be directional, while others may deal with distance or position. Many adverbs of place can also be prepositions in some situations.

However, when these words modify verbs or verb phrases, they function as adverbs.

Here are some adverb of place examples:

  1. Above
  2. Around
  3. Back
  4. Backward
  5. Below
  6. Close
  7. Close by
  8. Down
  9. East
  10. Eastward
  11. Everywhere
  12. Far
  13. Far away
  14. Forward
  15. Here
  16. Left
  17. Near
  18. Nearby
  19. North
  20. Northeast
  21. Northwest
  22. On
  23. Onward
  24. Out
  25. There
  26. Outside
  27. Right
  28. South
  29. Southeast
  30. Southwest
  31. There
  32. Under
  33. Underneath
  34. Up
  35. Upward
  36. West
  37. Westward

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that tell us how often something occurs. Sometimes, adverbs of frequency end in -ly, but not always.

Let’s look at some examples of adverbs of frequency.

  1. Again
  2. Always
  3. Annually
  4. Biannually
  5. Bimonthly
  6. Biweekly
  7. Daily
  8. Frequently
  9. Generally
  10. Hourly
  11. Monthly
  12. Never
  13. Normally
  14. Occasionally
  15. Often
  16. Quarterly
  17. Rarely
  18. Seldom
  19. Sometimes
  20. Typically
  21. Usually
  22. Weekly
  23. Yearly

What is an adverb of frequency

Adverbs of Purpose

Adverbs of purpose are also called adverbs of reason or conjunctive adverbs. They connect two clauses.

When you use an adverb of purpose, you turn one clause into a modifier. The adverb modifies an entire clause. These adverbial clauses help explain why something happens.

Adverbs of purpose can be one word or a phrase. Here are some examples of these types of adverbs:

  1. Accordingly
  2. Also
  3. Anyway
  4. Because
  5. Besides
  6. Certainly
  7. Consequently
  8. Finally
  9. Furthermore
  10. Hence
  11. However
  12. In addition
  13. In fact
  14. In order to
  15. Incidentally
  16. Indeed
  17. Instead
  18. Lately
  19. Likewise
  20. Meanwhile
  21. Moreover
  22. Nevertheless
  23. Next
  24. Nonetheless
  25. Now
  26. Otherwise
  27. Rather
  28. Similarly
  29. Since
  30. Still
  31. Subsequently
  32. Then
  33. Thereby
  34. Therefore
  35. Thus

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time modify verbs and other parts of speech to explain when something happens. These differ from frequency adverbs, which focus on how often something occurs, although there is some overlap.

For example, annually is considered both an adverb of time and an adverb of frequency.

  1. After
  2. Before
  3. Last week/month/year
  4. Later
  5. Next week/month/year
  6. Now
  7. Only
  8. Recently
  9. Sometime
  10. Soon
  11. Tomorrow
  12. Yesterday
  13. Yet

Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of degree explain to what extent something occurs. This is similar to adverbs of manner, but it instead focuses on the intensity of something. Adverbs of degree often end in -ly.

Adverbs of degree often modify adjectives, although they can modify verbs as well. Here is a list of some adverbs of degree:

  1. Almost
  2. Absolutely
  3. Barely
  4. Completely
  5. Decidedly
  6. Deeply
  7. Enough
  8. Enormously
  9. Especially
  10. Even
  11. Extremely
  12. Greatly
  13. Hardly
  14. Fairly
  15. Forcefully
  16. Fully
  17. Incredibly
  18. Intensely
  19. Least
  20. Little
  21. Just
  22. Most
  23. Nearly
  24. Perfectly
  25. Positively
  26. Practically
  27. Purely
  28. Quite
  29. Rather
  30. Really
  31. Scarcely
  32. Simply
  33. So
  34. Somewhat
  35. Terribly
  36. Thoroughly
  37. Too
  38. Totally
  39. Tremendously
  40. Very

what is an adverb of degree

Adverbs of Evaluation

Adverbs of evaluation, also called commenting adverbs, offer commentary or judgment. These words are subjective and can relate opinions or degrees of certainty.

Here are some examples of adverbs of evaluation:

  1. Actually
  2. Apparently
  3. Clearly
  4. Frankly
  5. Fortunately
  6. Hopefully
  7. Luckily
  8. Sadly
  9. Thankfully
  10. Unbelievably
  11. Unfortunately

Adverb Examples in Sentences

Now, let’s use some of our examples of adverbs in sentences.

First, let’s start with some adverbs of manner.

  • The new hire accidentally deleted everything off the shared drive.
  • The seventh-grade boy leaned in awkwardly for a kiss from his crush.
  • I cannot believe how beautifully she painted the backdrop for the play.
  • Briefly describe your work experience in your cover letter.
  • After getting glasses, he could see clearly for the first time ever.
  • I love you dearly even after twenty years together.
  • He reached his hands eagerly into the cookie jar.
  • The writer foolishly did not back up her manuscript, and the power went out.
  • She snarled jealously at the woman hitting on her spouse.
  • The girl entered the stage nervously and began to sing.
  • If you’re not going to fold the towels properly, don’t do it at all.
  • The man, who answered the phone rudely, said my RV was too old to stay there then hung up on me.
  • The new member timidly took a seat near the back of the group.
  • After the race, we voraciously ate a huge brunch.

Now, here are some examples of adverbs of place:

  • The kids like to go down the slide backward.
  • The toddler snuggled close to his mom for story time.
  • Can you move down a few seats to make room for us?
  • He moved back east after attending college in Los Angeles.
  • We searched everywhere for my lost wallet, but we never found it.
  • She just got here from out of town.
  • I wish my best friend still lived nearby.
  • Please play outside if you’re going to scream!
  • Did you look over there for Easter eggs?
  • The roller coaster traveled upward at nearly a 90 degree angle.

Next, let’s take a look at some adverbs of frequency.

  • We always have tamales on Christmas Day.
  • My company does performance reviews bi-annually.
  • He frequently misses his exit because he’s listening to an exciting audiobook.
  • On the weekends, my parents generally spend time with their friends.
  • Do you get paid hourly?
  • I hope you never have to witness something traumatic.
  • Occasionally, we like to splurge on a fancy meal.
  • So, do you come here often?
  • The teacher rarely smiles at her students.
  • The news seldom tells the whole story of what happened.
  • On Mondays, I typically have a 10 a.m. meeting.
  • Is she usually this late or is this out-of-character for her?

Next up are adverbs of purpose. These act like conjunctions but explain why something happened.

  • The burger is not good. In fact, it’s one of the nastiest things I’ve ever eaten.
  • In order to make a good first impression, I woke up early to do my hair and makeup.
  • We were several points behind in the last quarter; nonetheless, we tried our best to win.
  • Since it’s getting cold outside, I packed away all my shorts and tank tops.
  • The train was running late; thus, I didn’t get to buy coffee.

Here are some examples of adverbs of time:

  • We’ll attend the movie after we go to dinner.
  • The family went on vacation to Florida last year.
  • Do you want to go swimming later with me?
  • Our boss is expecting everyone to get a large bonus next year since we hit our annual goals.
  • I recently attended an incredible performance of the opera La Traviatta.
  • I know my phone is somewhere in my house, but where?

Next, let’s look at some examples of adverbs of degree, which tell us about the intensity of something that occurred.

  • He almost fooled me with that silly magic trick!
  • These new shoes barely fit me, even though they’re my size.
  • She was completely enamored by the beautiful visitor.
  • My favorite thing about my brother is how deeply he cares for his family.
  • According to the song in Beauty and the Beast, Gaston is “especially good at expectorating.”
  • The students greatly admired their history teacher.
  • Are you working hard or hardly working?
  • He studied just hard enough to pass the exam.
  • This is the most delicious carrot cake I’ve ever had!
  • The children were practically shaking with excitement on the way to Disney World.
  • The latest Marvel movie was quite good.
  • She is somewhat concerned about fitting in at her new job.
  • I am too angry to respond to this email right now.

Finally, here are some sentences with adverbs of evaluation:

  • He was not actually telling the truth when he said he bought a house.
  • This hotel is apparently rated five stars.
  • We clearly misunderstood the instructions in this recipe.
  • Frankly, I think you’re making a terrible decision.
  • She is fortunately going to pull through her battle with cancer.
  • Sadly, we will not be able to attend your wedding.
  • The water is unbelievably cold, even though it’s June!

How to Use Adverbs

You can use adverbs in your writing to explain, add information, or emphasize a point. They can modify adjectives, adverbs, verbs, phrases, and clauses.

Use adverbs of manner and adverbs of degree sparingly. Instead, focus on using strong verbs in your writing. When you use one of these adverbs, focus on specific or colorful ones, instead of overused ones like “very.”

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