Creative Writing Fiction

Webinar Replay: Horror Story Essentials: Turn Scattershot Scary Scenes Into Nightmare-Inducing Stories

horror story essentials

  1. Webinar Replay: Horror Story Essentials: Turn Scattershot Scary Scenes Into Nightmare-Inducing Stories
  2. Rachelle Ramirez

Webinar Replay: Horror Story Essentials: Turn Scattershot Scary Scenes Into Nightmare-Inducing Stories

Do you want your horror story to go beyond the pages of your book and into your reader's nightmares? Are you stuck with scattershot scary scenes that don't really work together or entertain? Does you story need more moments of heightened danger, plot twists, and reversals? You're in the right place.

This Halloween, developmental editor Rachelle Ramirez from Pages & Platforms taught us the basics of the Horror Genre so you can provoke terror and a sense of dread within your readers.

Rachelle Ramirez

Rachelle trained under Shawn Coyne of Story Grid and has edited award winning and bestselling fiction and nonfiction. She is committed to offering actionable editorial assistance for writers in all phases of their careers. Rachelle attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's Masters in Creative Writing Program and has an MA in psychology from Goddard College. She is the author of An Introduction to Genre. Learn more at

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