ProWritingAid Presents: Playing the Short Game: How to leverage short fiction in your writing career
On September 17, the ProWritingAid community was invited to learn how short stories can form a crucial part of any fiction writer's career. Award-winning author Douglas Smith spoke about the basics of licensing rights for short fiction, why you should always target the top markets, key clauses to look for in short fiction contracts, and much more.
Watch the replay above to learn the many ways a successful short fiction writer can leverage their backlist of published stories far beyond that first sale, including reprints, foreign language sales, audio markets, and collections.
Douglas Smith
Douglas Smith is the multi award-winning Canadian author of Playing the Short Game: How to Market & Sell Short Fiction.
Are Your Short Stories Publish Ready?
If you have a back-catalogue of short stories that have never seen the light of day, now is the time to get them out into the world! If you're not sure if your writing is ready for publication, ProWritingAid can help.
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