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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Seating vs Sitting: What's the Difference?

seating vs sitting

The words seating and sitting are often confused by writers. We'll help you to understand the difference.

Sitting means resting with the body supported by buttocks and thighs or being located upon when used as a verb.

Seating means the provision of chairs or other places for people to sit when used as a noun.

Seating is also used as a verb. It means to cause to sit down, to usher to a seat.

A good way to remember the difference is I am sItting down.

  1. The Difference Between Seating vs Sitting

The Difference Between Seating vs Sitting

It's easy to confuse words with similar sounds and spellings, especially when they are close in definition.

Sitting is a verb that means "resting in a seated position, located or situated upon."

Seating can be used as a noun that refers to "the act of placing people in seats or all the seats in a theater or auditorium." It can also be used as a verb to mean "causing to sit down or esccorting a person to their seat."

What's the right phrase 'roomy brick edifice seating' or 'roomy brick edifice sitting'?

The right expression is 'roomy brick edifice seating'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the correct phrase 'a seating capacity of' or 'a sitting capacity of'?

The correct expression is 'a seating capacity of'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the correct phrase 'airlines furnish seating charts' or 'airlines furnish sitting charts'?

The correct expression is 'airlines furnish seating charts'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Should it be 'with a seating capacity' or 'with a sitting capacity'?

The right expression is 'with a seating capacity'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Which is right 'Jim Crow seating arrangements' or 'Jim Crow sitting arrangements'?

You should use 'Jim Crow seating arrangements'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the correct expression 'we're sitting ducks' or 'we're seating ducks'?

The correct phrase is 'we're sitting ducks'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

What's the correct phrase 'sitting on the fence' or 'seating on the fence'?

You should use 'sitting on the fence'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Some synonyms of seating are: servicing, seating room, seat area, ushering, escorting.

Some synonyms of sitting are: perching, resting.

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20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas.

This guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers.

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