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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Planning vs Planing: Which is the Correct Spelling?

planning vs planing

The words planing and planning are often confused because they look similar. We'll explain the difference.

Planning means the process of making plans when used as a verb.

Planing means to fly without moving wings or glide when used as a verb.

A good way to remember the difference is Planing flies like a Plane.

  1. The Difference Between Planning vs Planing

The Difference Between Planning vs Planing

It's easy to confuse planning and planing.

Planning is related to the verb to plan. It is pronounced with a short A sound, which is why double the letter N. As a verb, planning means the process of making plans. It can also be a noun to refer to all the things that were planned.

Planing is related to the verb to plane. It can mean to fly without flapping wings or glide. It can also mean to smooth wood or another surface with a plane tool.

What's the right phrase 'scaling and root planing' or 'scaling and root planning'?

The right expression is 'scaling and root planing'. These phrases are often confused because they have a similar spelling.

Is the correct phrase 'saw and planing mills' or 'saw and planning mills'?

The correct phrase is 'saw and planing mills'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.

Is the correct phrase 'and planing mills' or 'and planning mills'?

The right expression is 'and planing mills'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.

Which is correct 'sawmills and planing mills' or 'sawmills and planning mills'?

The correct phrase is 'sawmills and planing mills'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.

Is the expression 'you 're planning to' or 'you 're planing to'?

The right expression is 'you 're planning to'. These phrases are often confused because they look similar.

Should I use 'the planning process .' or 'the planing process .'?

The right phrase is 'the planning process .'. These phrases are often confused because they have a similar spelling.

Which is correct 'you are planning to' or 'you are planing to'?

The right phrase is 'you are planning to'. These phrases are often confused because they are easy to mistype.

Some synonyms of planing are: glide, smooth, fly

Some synonyms of planning are: designing, design, readying, organizing

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