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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Noting vs Noteing vs Nothing: What’s the Difference?

noting definition

Noting, noteing, and nothing are common words that are easy to confuse. After all, these three words differ by only a single letter.

So how can you tell which spelling to use?

The short answer is that noting means “giving your attention to something,” while nothing means “none.” And noteing isn’t a real word. It’s just a common misspelling of noting.

This article will explain the difference between noting vs noteing vs nothing and help you remember which spelling to use in your writing.

  1. Definitions of Noting, Noteing, and Nothing
  2. Examples of Noting vs Noteing vs Nothing Used in Sentences
  3. Remembering the Difference Between Noting vs Noteing vs Nothing

Definitions of Noting, Noteing, and Nothing

Let’s start with the definitions of these three written words, as well as some common synonyms.

Noting Definition and Meaning

Noting is the present participle of the verb to note, which means something very similar to to notice.

The word noting means “giving your attention to something” or “making a written note of something.” Synonyms of noting include observing, considering, and jotting down.

Other conjugations of noting include note (such as in the phrases I note or you note), notes (such as in She notes or He notes) and noted (such as in I noted or He noted).

Noteing Definition and Meaning

Noteing isn’t actually a word at all—it’s just a common misspelling of noting.

When you add -ing to the verb note to create the present participle form, you should always remember to drop the E first.

Nothing Definition and Meaning

Nothing means “not anything.” Synonyms include nil, zero, and nought.

Examples of Noting vs Noteing vs Nothing Used in Sentences

The best way to remember the spelling of a word is to see it used in a sentence.

How to Use Noting

Let’s start with some sentences that include noting:

  • Jerry drove to the store, noting that there was more traffic than usual.
  • It’s worth noting that the weather will be quite hot while you’re there.
  • Noting her boyfriend’s nervous tone, Susan tried her best to change the topic.

How to Use Noteing

Because noteing isn’t a real word, there are no examples of how to use it correctly in a sentence. Just remember to drop the E, and you’ll be good to go.

How to Use Nothing

Now let’s look at some more examples of sentences that include nothing:

  • There’s nothing you can say to change my opinion.
  • It’s nothing personal, I’m just doing my job.
  • I promise, I’ve got nothing up my sleeve.

Remembering the Difference Between Noting vs Noteing vs Nothing

One way to remember the difference between these noting and nothing is to sound them out. Nothing needs an TH because it has the same TH consonant as bath and ether, while noting only needs a T because it has the same T consonant as bat and outer.

You can also use the phrase no thing as a reference for remembering how nothing is written. Remove the space between those two words, and you get nothing.

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