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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Here vs Hear: What's the Difference & Correct Spelling?

here vs hear

Here and hear are two commonly confused words.

These words are homophones, which means they sound the same, but they have different spellings and different meanings.

  1. The Difference Between Here vs Hear
  2. Here Definition
  3. Hear Definition
  4. Here, Here! or Hear, Hear!

The Difference Between Here vs Hear

Here refers to a specific location in the present, as in your phone is right here.

Hear is a verb that means perceiving sound or listening, such as I can't hear you.

Here Definition

Here can be used as an adverb, noun, and even an adjective. As an adverb, it means in this spot or location.

As a noun, here can mean this place. It can also refer to our current world or specific location, and it can refer to the present time. As an adjective, here is more informal. It is used before or after a noun for emphasis.


  • Here is the church, and here is the steeple.
  • Please come here when you get a chance.


  • The school is two miles from here.
  • What are humans doing here?


  • This desk here is where Susie sits.

Hear Definition

Hear is a verb. It can be used with or without an object. Hear means perceiving or learning by ear. It's easy to remember which word to use because you hear with your ear.

  • Can you hear me now?
  • I didn't hear what the teacher said.
  • Did you hear the good news?
  • You will hear from my lawyer tomorrow.
  • We have tickets to hear the New York Philharmonic.

Here, Here! or Hear, Hear!

When someone shouts in agreement, which word are they using? The answer is hear, hear! The phrase came from the British Parliament.

It is an abbreviation of the phrase "hear him, hear him". This was shouted when people agreed with a speaker to tell others to listen to what he has to say.

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