Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Feel vs Fell vs Fall vs Felt: What's the Difference?

feel vs fell

The words fell and feel are often confused because of their similar spelling. We'll explain the difference.

Feel means to use the sense of touch when used as a verb.

Fell means to make something fall; especially to chop down a tree when used as a verb.

A good way to remember the difference is Fell is spelled similar to Fall.

  1. The Difference Between Feel vs Fell

The Difference Between Feel vs Fell

It's easy to misspell words that look similar, like feel and fell.

Feel is a verb that means "to perceive by touch, to experience a sensation or emotion."

Fell is the past tense form of "to fall." It can also be a present tense verb that means "to make something fall."

Is the phrase 'bottom fell out' or 'bottom feel out'?

You should use 'bottom fell out'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.

Which is correct 'fell off my plate' or 'feel off my plate'?

The correct phrase is 'fell off my plate'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.

Should it be 'in one fell swoop' or 'in one feel swoop'?

You should use 'in one fell swoop'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar spelling.

Is the correct phrase 'do you feel me' or 'do you fell me'?

The correct expression is 'do you feel me'. These phrases are often confused because they appear similar.

Some synonyms of fell are: crashed, chopped, dropped.

Some synonyms of feel are: experience, perceive.

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