To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "extreme" is marked by being excessive or beyond the usual or ordinary limits in behavior, emotions, or actions. It often involves going to great lengths to achieve a goal, taking risks that others might find daunting, or pursuing a passion with intense dedication. Extreme characters can be both admirable and troublesome, depending on the situation and the impact of their actions on themselves and those around them. They can add depth and complexity to a story, but it's important to balance their extreme nature with other traits to create a well-rounded character.
- Possible causes of being extreme
- Behaviors associated with being extreme
- Attitudes associated with being extreme
- Thoughts and struggles associated with being extreme
- Emotions associated with being extreme
- Facial expressions associated with being extreme
- Body language associated with being extreme
- Behaviors associated with being extreme
- Growth and evolution of extreme characters
- Stereotypes of extreme characters to avoid
- Negatives of being extreme
- Positives of being extreme
- Verbal expressions of extreme characters
- Relationships of extreme characters
- Examples from books of characters who are extreme
- Writing exercises for writing extreme characters
Possible causes of being extreme
You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.
- Social or cultural norms that encourage or glorify extreme behavior
- Substance abuse or addiction
- Desire for attention or validation
- Fear of vulnerability or intimacy
- Childhood experiences or trauma
- Mental health conditions such as borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or antisocial personality disorder
- Genetic predisposition
- Environmental factors, such as living in a highly competitive or stressful environment
- Lack of emotional regulation or self-awareness
Behaviors associated with being extreme
You may be able to show your character's trait of extreme by using these.
- Challenging authority or the status quo
- Refusing to conform to societal norms or expectations
- Taking risks without hesitation or fear
- Possessing a strong desire for thrill-seeking or adrenaline rushes
- Pursuing unconventional or controversial beliefs or ideas
- Engaging in extreme sports or activities
- Pushing oneself to physical and mental limits
- Seeking out intense experiences or sensations
- Displaying intense emotions and reactions to situations
Attitudes associated with being extreme
You may be able to show extreme through their attitudes.
- Obsession: Extreme characters can become obsessed with their goals or desires, often to the exclusion of all else.
- Resilience: They are often able to bounce back from setbacks and failures, using them as fuel to propel themselves forward.
- Risk-taking: They are not afraid to take risks or push themselves to the limit in order to achieve their objectives.
- Self-destructiveness: In some cases, extreme behavior can lead to self-destructive tendencies, such as substance abuse, overeating, or other forms of self-harm.
- Recklessness: Sometimes, extreme characters can be reckless and impulsive, putting themselves and others in danger.
- Intensity: Extreme characters tend to be very passionate and intense about their beliefs, goals, and desires.
- Determination: They are highly determined and persistent, often refusing to give up even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
- Self-confidence: Extreme characters tend to be very self-assured and confident in their abilities, often to the point of arrogance.
- Independence: Extreme characters may be fiercely independent and resistant to authority or outside influence.
Thoughts and struggles associated with being extreme
Here are some ideas for things your extreme character may think or struggle with.
- An extreme character may also struggle with addiction or other destructive behaviors, using them as a way to cope with their intense emotions and desire for thrill-seeking.
- An extreme character may feel a constant need to push themselves to the limit, often disregarding their own safety and well-being.
- At the same time, they may feel a sense of exhilaration and freedom when pushing themselves to the brink, leading to a love-hate relationship with their extreme lifestyle.
- They may also have trouble reconciling their extreme behavior with societal norms and expectations, causing them to feel like an outsider or rebel.
- They may struggle with finding balance in their life, always feeling like they need to do more or be more.
- They may have a deep fear of failure or mediocrity, driving them to take on increasingly dangerous or difficult challenges.
- This type of character may also have difficulty connecting with others who don't share their extreme mindset, feeling isolated and misunderstood.
Emotions associated with being extreme
Here are some ideas for emotions your extreme character may experience.
- Risk-taking
- Fierce determination
- Outspokenness
- Boldness
- Nonconformity
- Unwavering commitment
- Single-mindedness
- Impulsivity
- Fearlessness
- Recklessness
- Obsessiveness
- Unconventional thinking
- Extreme confidence
- Intense passion
Facial expressions associated with being extreme
Here are some facial expressions your extreme character may exhibit.
- Tight-lipped smile or smirk in arrogance
- Grimace or snarl in anger
- Flared nostrils in excitement or aggression
- Eyes wide open with dilated pupils
- Raised eyebrows in surprise or disbelief
- Furrowed brow in intense concentration or frustration
- Jaw clenched or dropped in shock
Body language associated with being extreme
Here is some body language your extreme character may exhibit.
- Raised voice or shouting
- Tense or rigid body posture
- Pacing or fidgeting
- Heavy breathing or gasping
- Sweating or shaking
- Wide-eyed and open-mouthed expression
- Clenched jaw or fists
- Rapid or erratic movements
- Intense eye contact or avoidance of eye contact
- Flushed or pale complexion
Behaviors associated with being extreme
Here are some behaviors your extreme character may exhibit.
- Refusing to conform to societal norms or expectations
- Displaying intense emotions and reactions to situations
- Challenging authority or the status quo
- Taking risks without hesitation or fear
- Engaging in extreme sports or activities
- Pursuing unconventional or controversial beliefs or ideas
- Pushing oneself to physical and mental limits
- Seeking out intense experiences or sensations
- Possessing a strong desire for thrill-seeking or adrenaline rushes
Growth and evolution of extreme characters
Here are some ways that your extreme character may grow and evolve over time.
- Extreme characters can learn to temper their behavior and find a balance between their intense personality and the needs of others.
- Extreme characters can overcome their weaknesses and limitations, demonstrating a capacity for growth and change.
- They can develop a greater understanding of themselves and their motivations, leading to more nuanced and complex characterizations.
- They can learn to adapt to new situations and challenges, demonstrating resilience and flexibility.
- They can learn to communicate more effectively and empathize with others, leading to stronger relationships and connections.
- Extreme characters can learn to channel their intensity into positive pursuits, such as creative endeavors or helping others.
Stereotypes of extreme characters to avoid
Try to avoid writing stereotypical extreme character like these examples.
- Avoid making the character's trait the only source of conflict in the story.
- Avoid making the character's trait the only thing that readers remember about them.
- Avoid making the character's trait unrealistic or cartoonish.
- Avoid making the character's trait the sole reason for their actions and decisions.
- Avoid making the character's trait the only defining feature of their personality.
- Avoid making the character one-dimensional by relying solely on their extreme trait.
- Avoid making the character's trait offensive or harmful to marginalized groups.
- Avoid making the character's trait the only thing that sets them apart from other characters.
Negatives of being extreme
Here are some potential negatives of being extreme. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.
- Extreme behavior can lead to reckless and dangerous situations.
- Extreme beliefs can result in close-mindedness and an inability to consider other perspectives.
- Extreme emotions can lead to irrational decision-making and impulsive behavior.
- Extreme actions can alienate friends and family members.
- Extreme attitudes can cause harm to oneself and others.
Positives of being extreme
Here are some potential positives of being extreme. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.
- Extreme characters are often very passionate and driven towards their goals.
- Extreme characters can be very focused and disciplined, which can lead to great success.
- They are often very skilled and talented, as they have dedicated a lot of time and effort to their pursuits.
- They are fearless and willing to take risks, making them exciting and unpredictable.
- Extreme characters can inspire others with their determination and willingness to push boundaries.
Verbal expressions of extreme characters
Here are some potential expressions used by extreme characters.
- Uncompromising
- Extreme
- Unconventional
- Obsessive
- Zealous
- Over-the-top
- Overzealous
- Fearless
- Bold
- Outrageous
- Insane
- Eccentric
- Adventurous
- Fanatical
- Daring
- Radical
- Risky
- Intense
- Reckless
- Maniacal
- Unpredictable
- Unprecedented
- Excessive
- Foolhardy
Relationships of extreme characters
Here are some ways that being extreme could affect your character's relationships.
- Alternatively, extreme individuals may clash with those who hold opposing views, leading to conflict and tension in their relationships.
- In some cases, extreme individuals may isolate themselves from others who do not share their beliefs, leading to a sense of loneliness and detachment.
- Extreme individuals may struggle with empathy and understanding the needs of others, leading to a lack of emotional connection in their relationships.
- They may seek out partners who share their extreme beliefs or behaviors, creating a sense of validation and acceptance.
- They may also be attracted to submissive partners who allow them to take the lead.
- Extreme people may have a tendency to dominate or control others in their relationships.
Examples from books of characters who are extreme
- Voldemort from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
- Sauron from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis
- Captain Ahab from "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
- The Joker from "Batman" comics and movies
- Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris
- Alex from "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess
- Humbert Humbert from "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov
- Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey
Writing exercises for writing extreme characters
Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write extreme characters.
- Create a visual representation of the character's extreme trait, such as a mood board or a character sketch.
- Write a scene where the character is forced to confront the negative aspects of their extreme trait.
- Write a flashback scene that shows the event or experience that led to the character developing their extreme trait.
- Write a scene in which the character takes a risk that others would consider reckless or dangerous.
- Create a character profile that includes the extreme trait as a defining characteristic. Consider how this trait affects their relationships, goals, and motivations.
- Write a monologue from the character's perspective that reveals their inner thoughts and feelings about their extreme trait.
- Write a scene where the character's extreme behavior leads to unexpected consequences.
- Write a scene where the character has to make a difficult decision that requires them to push themselves to their limits.
- Imagine a scenario where the character's extreme behavior causes conflict with another character. Write a dialogue between them.