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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Eccentric

Character Trait Eccentric

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait Eccentric refers to someone who is unconventional and has a unique way of thinking and behaving. They are often viewed as peculiar or odd by others because they don't conform to societal norms or expectations. Eccentric characters can be portrayed as quirky, creative, and imaginative, but also unpredictable and sometimes difficult to understand. They can add depth and complexity to a story, and can be a source of humor or intrigue.

  1. Possible causes of being eccentric
  2. Behaviors associated with being eccentric
  3. Attitudes associated with being eccentric
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being eccentric
  5. Emotions associated with being eccentric
  6. Facial expressions associated with being eccentric
  7. Body language associated with being eccentric
  8. Behaviors associated with being eccentric
  9. Growth and evolution of eccentric characters
  10. Stereotypes of eccentric characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being eccentric
  12. Positives of being eccentric
  13. Verbal expressions of eccentric characters
  14. Relationships of eccentric characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are eccentric
  16. Writing exercises for writing eccentric characters

Possible causes of being eccentric

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Genetic or biological factors
  • Certain mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia
  • Neurodivergent conditions such as autism or ADHD
  • Unusual or unconventional upbringing
  • Being part of a non-conformist subculture or community
  • Trauma or abuse
  • Personal choice or preference for non-traditional lifestyles or behaviors
  • Childhood experiences
  • Intellectual or creative pursuits that require thinking outside of the box
  • Social isolation

Behaviors associated with being eccentric

You may be able to show your character's trait of eccentric by using these.

  • Having a unique perspective on the world
  • Speaking in an unusual or idiosyncratic manner
  • Dressing in an unconventional or flamboyant way
  • Engaging in unconventional or non-traditional lifestyles
  • Being unpredictable in behavior and decision-making
  • Pursuing interests that are considered unusual or obscure
  • Displaying a high level of creativity and imagination
  • Displaying a disregard for social norms and conventions
  • Being passionate and enthusiastic about one's interests

Attitudes associated with being eccentric

You may be able to show eccentric through their attitudes.

  • Being comfortable with being different and standing out from the crowd
  • Having a non-conformist attitude towards society's norms and expectations
  • Having a strong sense of individuality and self-expression
  • Being playful and spontaneous
  • Having a sense of humor and enjoying the absurd
  • Being imaginative and creative
  • Being open-minded to new and unconventional ideas
  • Being curious and interested in exploring different perspectives and ways of thinking
  • Having a willingness to take risks and try new things

Thoughts and struggles associated with being eccentric

Here are some ideas for things your eccentric character may think or struggle with.

  • They may have a tendency to collect unusual objects or pursue obscure interests that others may not understand or appreciate.
  • They may feel torn between expressing their true self and conforming to societal norms in order to fit in.
  • They may be prone to bouts of creativity or bursts of inspiration that can be difficult to channel or harness into tangible results.
  • An eccentric character may struggle with feeling misunderstood or out of place in society due to their unconventional beliefs, behaviors, or fashion choices.
  • They may have a deep desire for authentic connections with others, but struggle to find people who can relate to their eccentricities.
  • They may have a heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli or a unique way of perceiving the world, which can both be a gift and a curse.

Emotions associated with being eccentric

Here are some ideas for emotions your eccentric character may experience.

  • Playfulness
  • Inventiveness
  • Individuality
  • Unconventionality
  • Creativity
  • Open-mindedness
  • Originality
  • Nonconformity
  • Quirkiness
  • Zaniness
  • Unusualness
  • Unpredictability
  • Spontaneity

Facial expressions associated with being eccentric

Here are some facial expressions your eccentric character may exhibit.

  • Unpredictable or jerky movements of the face
  • Puckering or pursing lips in contemplation or confusion
  • Twisted or exaggerated facial features
  • Frowning or scowling in disapproval of the norm
  • Unconventional or asymmetrical smiles
  • Grimacing or making faces to express strong emotions
  • Winking or squinting with a mischievous grin
  • Animated or exaggerated facial expressions
  • Wide eyes and raised eyebrows

Body language associated with being eccentric

Here is some body language your eccentric character may exhibit.

  • Speaking in a fast-paced or erratic manner
  • Standing or sitting in unusual positions
  • Laughing loudly or at inappropriate times
  • Constantly tapping feet or fidgeting with hands
  • Making exaggerated facial expressions
  • Staring intensely or avoiding eye contact altogether
  • Pacing or walking in an unconventional way
  • Gesturing wildly while speaking
  • Wearing eccentric clothing or accessories

Behaviors associated with being eccentric

Here are some behaviors your eccentric character may exhibit.

  • Engaging in unconventional or non-traditional lifestyles
  • Dressing in an unconventional or flamboyant way
  • Displaying a disregard for social norms and conventions
  • Being passionate and enthusiastic about one's interests
  • Having a unique perspective on the world
  • Displaying a high level of creativity and imagination
  • Pursuing interests that are considered unusual or obscure
  • Being unpredictable in behavior and decision-making
  • Speaking in an unusual or idiosyncratic manner

Growth and evolution of eccentric characters

Here are some ways that your eccentric character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Form meaningful relationships with others who appreciate and accept their eccentricities.
  • Learn to accept and embrace their quirks and eccentricities instead of trying to conform to societal norms.
  • Develop empathy and understanding for others who are perceived as different or out of place.
  • Discover that their eccentricities are a source of strength rather than weakness.
  • Learn to balance their eccentricities with the needs and expectations of those around them.
  • Overcome their fear of judgment and criticism from others.
  • Realize that conformity and normality are not always desirable or necessary.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their motivations for their eccentric behavior.
  • Use their unique perspective and approach to bring about positive change or solve problems.

Stereotypes of eccentric characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical eccentric character like these examples.

  • Don't rely solely on physical appearance to convey the character's eccentricity.
  • Don't use the character's eccentricity as an excuse for them to behave inappropriately or disrespectfully towards others.
  • Avoid making the character's eccentricity offensive or harmful to marginalized groups.
  • Avoid making the character's eccentricity their only defining characteristic.
  • Avoid making the character's eccentricity a caricature or exaggerated for comedic effect.
  • Avoid making the character's eccentricity the butt of jokes or ridicule by other characters.
  • Don't make the character's behavior too predictable or cliché.

Negatives of being eccentric

Here are some potential negatives of being eccentric. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Struggling to fit in with social norms and expectations
  • Facing criticism or ridicule from others
  • Potential for isolation or loneliness
  • Facing discrimination or marginalization in certain contexts
  • Difficulty forming and maintaining close relationships
  • Being misunderstood or misinterpreted by others
  • Being perceived as weird or odd

Positives of being eccentric

Here are some potential positives of being eccentric. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • These characters often have a strong sense of self and are not afraid to be different
  • Eccentricity can also be a sign of independence and non-conformity
  • Eccentricity can be a sign of creativity and imagination
  • Eccentric characters are often memorable and stand out in a story
  • They can provide comic relief or add a unique perspective to a situation
  • These characters can challenge societal norms and push boundaries, making them interesting to read about

Verbal expressions of eccentric characters

Here are some potential expressions used by eccentric characters.

  • Using exaggerated gestures or facial expressions
  • Having a tendency to ramble or go off on tangents
  • Being unafraid to express unpopular opinions or beliefs
  • Making unexpected or unconventional statements
  • Making obscure or esoteric references
  • Using humor or sarcasm to make a point
  • Using unusual vocabulary or phrasing
  • Interrupting others to share a random thought or idea
  • Speaking in a loud or animated manner

Relationships of eccentric characters

Here are some ways that being eccentric could affect your character's relationships.

  • Eccentrics may be perceived as quirky or odd by others, which can lead to social isolation or bullying.
  • They may be misunderstood or dismissed by others, leading to feelings of loneliness or frustration.
  • Eccentric individuals may struggle to form close relationships due to their unconventional behavior and interests.
  • Eccentrics may struggle with authority figures or conforming to societal norms, leading to conflict with parents, bosses, or other authority figures.
  • In some cases, eccentric individuals may be highly respected and admired for their unique perspective and creativity, attracting a following of like-minded individuals.
  • They may have a small group of friends who share their eccentricities and interests, but struggle to connect with those outside of this circle.

Examples from books of characters who are eccentric

  • Mary Poppins from Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
  • Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  • Ignatius J. Reilly from A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
  • Don Quixote from Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
  • Ignatius “Iggy” Bathtub from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo
  • Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
  • Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
  • Miss Havisham from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Writing exercises for writing eccentric characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write eccentric characters.

  • Write a conversation between your eccentric character and a more "traditional" character. How do they clash? What misunderstandings arise from their differing perspectives?
  • Write a scene from your character's past that highlights their eccentricity. This could be an event that stands out in their memory or a moment that others found particularly odd.
  • Create a character profile for your eccentric character, including their likes, dislikes, fears, and motivations. Use this profile as a reference when writing scenes involving your character.
  • Write a scene where your eccentric character is in a public setting, such as a restaurant or shopping mall. How do they stand out from the crowd? Do they cause a scene or draw attention to themselves?
  • Consider your character's speech patterns and vocabulary. Do they use unusual words or phrases? Do they speak in a way that's difficult for others to understand?
  • Think of someone in your own life who is eccentric. What makes them unique? What quirks or mannerisms do they have? Use these traits as inspiration for your character.
  • Consider your character's hobbies or interests. How do they differ from what's considered "normal"? How do these interests influence their behavior and interactions with others?
  • Write a scene where your eccentric character is faced with a problem or challenge. How do they approach the situation in a way that's unique to their personality?
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