Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Devoted

Character Trait Devoted

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "devoted" refers to someone who is deeply committed, dedicated, and loyal to a person, cause, or belief. A devoted character is willing to sacrifice their own needs and desires to support and care for the object of their devotion. This trait is often associated with a strong sense of responsibility and a deep emotional attachment to the person or thing they are devoted to. A devoted character is willing to go above and beyond to demonstrate their loyalty and commitment.

  1. Possible causes of being devoted
  2. Behaviors associated with being devoted
  3. Attitudes associated with being devoted
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being devoted
  5. Emotions associated with being devoted
  6. Facial expressions associated with being devoted
  7. Body language associated with being devoted
  8. Behaviors associated with being devoted
  9. Growth and evolution of devoted characters
  10. Stereotypes of devoted characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being devoted
  12. Positives of being devoted
  13. Verbal expressions of devoted characters
  14. Relationships of devoted characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are devoted
  16. Writing exercises for writing devoted characters

Possible causes of being devoted

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • They may have a strong sense of empathy and feel a deep connection to others, which drives them to be devoted to those they care about.
  • They may have experienced a significant event or relationship that inspired them to become more devoted, such as falling in love or finding a passion for a particular cause.
  • They may have a natural inclination towards routine and stability, which can lend itself to a more devoted lifestyle.
  • They may have had positive role models in their life who demonstrated the importance of devotion and dedication.
  • They may have experienced a trauma or loss that led them to seek comfort and security in being devoted to someone or something.
  • Their upbringing or cultural background may have instilled strong values of loyalty and commitment.

Behaviors associated with being devoted

You may be able to show your character's trait of devoted by using these.

  • Sacrificing time, energy, or resources for the sake of the object of devotion
  • Consistently displaying genuine affection and care towards the object of devotion
  • Being willing to forgive and overlook flaws or shortcomings of the object of devotion
  • Consistently prioritizing the object of one's devotion above other things
  • Displaying unwavering loyalty and commitment
  • Persisting in the pursuit of goals related to the object of devotion
  • Focusing one's attention and efforts towards the object of devotion instead of being easily distracted
  • Being motivated by a strong sense of purpose and meaning related to the object of devotion

Attitudes associated with being devoted

You may be able to show devoted through their attitudes.

  • Focused attention and dedication to a task or person
  • Devotion to a routine or tradition
  • Persistence and determination to achieve a goal
  • Passion and enthusiasm for something or someone
  • Willingness to sacrifice personal desires for the greater good
  • Selflessness and putting others' needs before one's own
  • Loyalty and commitment to a person, cause, or belief
  • Enduring love and care for someone or something
  • Consistency in actions and thoughts towards a specific purpose

Thoughts and struggles associated with being devoted

Here are some ideas for things your devoted character may think or struggle with.

  • They may feel a sense of guilt or responsibility if they are unable to fulfill their obligations as a result of their devotion.
  • They may also experience moments of clarity or epiphany where their devotion is reaffirmed or strengthened.
  • A Devoted character is deeply committed to a person, cause, or ideal, often to the point of self-sacrifice.
  • They may struggle with balancing their devotion with other aspects of their life, such as relationships, career, or personal growth.
  • On the other hand, they may also feel a sense of pride or fulfillment in their devotion, and may find strength and purpose in it.
  • They may also struggle with feelings of resentment or jealousy towards others who do not share their level of devotion.
  • They may experience doubt or uncertainty about their devotion, especially if it is challenged or tested in some way.

Emotions associated with being devoted

Here are some ideas for emotions your devoted character may experience.

  • Faithfulness
  • Dedication
  • Steadfastness
  • Devotion
  • Loyalty
  • Fidelity
  • Adherence
  • Commitment
  • Allegiance

Facial expressions associated with being devoted

Here are some facial expressions your devoted character may exhibit.

  • A tender, loving gaze
  • Dilated pupils
  • Raised eyebrows
  • Slightly tilted head
  • Soft, gentle smile
  • Flushed cheeks
  • Relaxed facial muscles
  • Eyes that light up with joy
  • Glistening tears of happiness or sadness

Body language associated with being devoted

Here is some body language your devoted character may exhibit.

  • Smiling or showing other positive facial expressions when discussing or interacting with their devotion
  • Nodding or tilting their head in agreement or understanding
  • Maintaining eye contact with the person or thing they are devoted to
  • Touching or holding onto the object of their devotion (such as a person's hand or a cherished possession)
  • Leaning in towards the object of their devotion
  • Displaying a relaxed and open posture when in the presence of their devotion

Behaviors associated with being devoted

Here are some behaviors your devoted character may exhibit.

  • Displaying unwavering loyalty and commitment
  • Sacrificing time, energy, or resources for the sake of the object of devotion
  • Focusing one's attention and efforts towards the object of devotion instead of being easily distracted
  • Consistently displaying genuine affection and care towards the object of devotion
  • Being motivated by a strong sense of purpose and meaning related to the object of devotion
  • Persisting in the pursuit of goals related to the object of devotion
  • Being willing to forgive and overlook flaws or shortcomings of the object of devotion
  • Consistently prioritizing the object of one's devotion above other things

Growth and evolution of devoted characters

Here are some ways that your devoted character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Face consequences or sacrifices due to their devotion, which could make them rethink their choices or find new ways to express their loyalty.
  • Learn from other characters who have different perspectives on devotion, and incorporate those lessons into their own journey.
  • Question their loyalty and commitment to their devotion, especially if they face challenges or conflicts that test their beliefs and values.
  • Overcome obstacles or conflicts that threaten their devotion, which could strengthen their resolve or reveal new facets of their character.
  • Learn to balance their devotion with other aspects of their life, such as relationships, personal growth, or ethical considerations.
  • Challenge or question the source or nature of their devotion, which could lead to a transformation or shift in their beliefs and values.
  • Discover new aspects of their identity or purpose through their devotion, which could lead them to explore different paths or roles in the story.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the object of their devotion, which could lead to a change in their perception or behavior towards it.
  • Reflect on the meaning and impact of their devotion, and how it relates to their personal and social context.

Stereotypes of devoted characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical devoted character like these examples.

  • Being one-dimensional and lacking complexity
  • Being unrealistic in their devotion or dedication to someone or something
  • Being portrayed as weak or dependent on others
  • Ignoring personal needs and goals for the sake of others
  • Being overly emotional without reason or explanation
  • Having no flaws or weaknesses
  • Being a doormat for others
  • Overly submissive behavior
  • Blindly following orders without questioning

Negatives of being devoted

Here are some potential negatives of being devoted. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • It can also cause individuals to become blind to the needs and feelings of others, as they are solely focused on their devotion.
  • Devotion can lead to obsession, which can cause individuals to neglect other important areas of their life.
  • Devotion can cause individuals to overlook flaws and negative traits in the object of their devotion, leading to an unhealthy relationship or situation.
  • It can also lead to dependency, where the individual relies heavily on the object of their devotion for their happiness and well-being.

Positives of being devoted

Here are some potential positives of being devoted. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Devoted individuals are often reliable and trustworthy, as they prioritize their commitments and responsibilities.
  • Devotion is a strong motivator that helps individuals to stay committed to their goals and values.
  • Devotion can inspire others and create a sense of community, as individuals share their passion and dedication with others.
  • Devotion can foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as individuals find meaning in their actions and relationships.

Verbal expressions of devoted characters

Here are some potential expressions used by devoted characters.

  • "Your happiness is my happiness"
  • "I'll stand by your side"
  • "You can count on me"
  • "I'm committed to our relationship"
  • "I will always be here for you"
  • "You are my top priority"
  • "My loyalty is unwavering"
  • "I'll never abandon you"
  • "I'll do whatever it takes to support you"
  • "I'll never give up on you"

Relationships of devoted characters

Here are some ways that being devoted could affect your character's relationships.

  • Devoted people tend to have deep and meaningful relationships with others.
  • In friendships, devoted people may be very supportive and attentive, but may also struggle with boundaries and may need to learn to take care of themselves as well as their friends.
  • In romantic relationships, devoted individuals may be very committed and dedicated to their partner, but may struggle with jealousy or possessiveness.
  • They are often fiercely loyal to their loved ones and will go to great lengths to protect and support them.
  • They may also struggle with boundaries, as their devotion can lead them to become enmeshed or overly involved in the lives of others.
  • Devoted individuals may have a tendency to be self-sacrificing, putting the needs and wants of others ahead of their own.
  • They may also be very passionate about their beliefs and values, and may form deep bonds with others who share their convictions.
  • Devoted individuals may also have a strong sense of duty and responsibility to their family, and may go to great lengths to care for and protect them.

Examples from books of characters who are devoted

  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Samwise Gamgee from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Hazel Grace Lancaster from "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green
  • Gandalf from "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" trilogy by Suzanne Collins
  • Jean Valjean from "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo
  • Hermione Granger from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Anne Shirley from "Anne of Green Gables" by L.M. Montgomery
  • John Coffey from "The Green Mile" by Stephen King

Writing exercises for writing devoted characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write devoted characters.

  • Write a scene where the character's devotion is misplaced. How do they come to this realization, and how do they adjust their actions accordingly?
  • Write a scene where the character's devotion becomes a hindrance. How do they overcome this obstacle?
  • Write a scene where the character sacrifices something important for the sake of someone or something they love.
  • Write a dialogue between the character and someone who questions their devotion. How does the character defend their loyalty?
  • Create a backstory that explains why the character is so devoted. What motivates them to be this way?
  • Write a character sketch highlighting the character's unwavering loyalty and commitment to a cause or person.
  • Write a scene where the character's devotion is rewarded. How do they react to this recognition or appreciation?
  • Write a scene where the character's devotion is tested. How do they react? Do they stay true to their beliefs and loyalties, or do they falter?
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