Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Committed

Character Trait Committed

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait Committed refers to a person's dedication, loyalty, and perseverance towards a particular task, goal, or individual. It entails a strong sense of responsibility and accountability towards one's commitments, and a willingness to follow through on promises and obligations despite obstacles or challenges. A committed person is reliable, dependable, and trustworthy, and they prioritize their commitments over their personal desires or convenience. In the context of storytelling, a character with the trait of Commitment can add depth and authenticity to the narrative, making them more relatable and engaging to readers.

  1. Possible causes of being committed
  2. Behaviors associated with being committed
  3. Attitudes associated with being committed
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being committed
  5. Emotions associated with being committed
  6. Facial expressions associated with being committed
  7. Body language associated with being committed
  8. Behaviors associated with being committed
  9. Growth and evolution of committed characters
  10. Stereotypes of committed characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being committed
  12. Positives of being committed
  13. Verbal expressions of committed characters
  14. Relationships of committed characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are committed
  16. Writing exercises for writing committed characters

Possible causes of being committed

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • A desire to make a positive impact on the world or those around them
  • A desire to achieve goals and see projects through to completion
  • A respect for tradition and authority
  • A need for structure and routine in their lives
  • A strong sense of duty and responsibility
  • A willingness to put in hard work and sacrifice for a cause or purpose they believe in
  • A belief in the importance of loyalty and dependability

For detailed feedback on committed characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story structure analyzer.

Behaviors associated with being committed

You may be able to show your character's trait of committed by using these.

  • Setting clear and achievable goals
  • Making sacrifices and prioritizing tasks to achieve desired outcomes
  • Taking responsibility for one's actions and their consequences
  • Demonstrating passion and enthusiasm for one's pursuits
  • Showing up consistently and putting in the necessary effort to achieve success
  • Maintaining focus and persistence even when facing obstacles or setbacks
  • Being reliable and dependable
  • Following through on promises and commitments

Attitudes associated with being committed

You may be able to show committed through their attitudes.

  • Self-discipline: the ability to control one's impulses and stay on task
  • Patience: the ability to endure delays or difficulties without becoming discouraged
  • Dedication: the act of showing loyalty and devotion to a particular cause or pursuit
  • Sacrifice: the willingness to give up something valuable for the sake of achieving a greater goal
  • Accountability: the act of being answerable for one's actions and decisions
  • Perseverance: the ability to stay focused on a goal despite obstacles or setbacks
  • Responsibility: the willingness to take ownership of one's actions and decisions

Thoughts and struggles associated with being committed

Here are some ideas for things your committed character may think or struggle with.

  • They may feel a strong sense of responsibility towards their loved ones and may prioritize their needs over their own.
  • They may feel guilty or anxious when they are unable to meet their commitments or let others down.
  • They may struggle with setting boundaries and saying no to tasks or requests that may interfere with their commitments.
  • They may feel frustrated or resentful towards those who do not share their level of commitment.
  • They may have a fear of failure and may overwork themselves to ensure they meet their obligations.
  • A committed character may struggle with balancing their personal and professional life.
  • They may have difficulty letting go of control and delegating tasks to others.
  • They may struggle with prioritizing self-care and may neglect their own needs in order to fulfill their commitments.
  • They may have a strong sense of loyalty and dedication towards their work, relationships, or beliefs.

Emotions associated with being committed

Here are some ideas for emotions your committed character may experience.

  • Perseverance
  • Devotion
  • Focus
  • Steadfastness
  • Resilience
  • Trustworthiness
  • Loyalty
  • Discipline
  • Tenacity
  • Endurance
  • Faithfulness
  • Responsibility
  • Determination
  • Dedication

Facial expressions associated with being committed

Here are some facial expressions your committed character may exhibit.

  • Raised eyebrows
  • Furrowed brow
  • Tightened lips
  • Confident smile
  • Determined jawline
  • Steady eye contact
  • Clenched fists
  • Focused gaze

Body language associated with being committed

Here is some body language your committed character may exhibit.

  • Nodding their head in agreement or understanding
  • Maintaining an open and relaxed posture
  • Making direct eye contact with others
  • Demonstrating a sense of urgency and determination
  • Leaning in towards the person or project they are committed to
  • Using hand gestures to emphasize points and show enthusiasm
  • Focusing intently on the task at hand
  • Standing up straight with shoulders back and head held high

For detailed feedback on committed characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story structure analyzer.

Behaviors associated with being committed

Here are some behaviors your committed character may exhibit.

  • Demonstrating passion and enthusiasm for one's pursuits
  • Maintaining focus and persistence even when facing obstacles or setbacks
  • Taking responsibility for one's actions and their consequences
  • Setting clear and achievable goals
  • Following through on promises and commitments
  • Being reliable and dependable
  • Making sacrifices and prioritizing tasks to achieve desired outcomes
  • Showing up consistently and putting in the necessary effort to achieve success

Growth and evolution of committed characters

Here are some ways that your committed character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Overcoming obstacles and challenges to stay committed to their goal or cause
  • Building stronger relationships and alliances with others who share their commitment
  • Recognizing and addressing any negative consequences or unintended effects of their commitment
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of their commitment and its importance to them and others
  • Developing greater resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks and failures
  • Confronting and overcoming their own fears and doubts about their commitment
  • Learning to compromise and adapt their approach to achieve their commitment

Stereotypes of committed characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical committed character like these examples.

  • Avoid making Committed characters appear weak or dependent on others.
  • Avoid portraying Committed characters as lacking in creativity or innovation.
  • Avoid portraying Committed characters as blindly following rules or authority without question.
  • Avoid making Committed characters appear unfeeling or lacking in empathy for others.
  • Avoid making Committed characters one-dimensional or overly obsessive.
  • Avoid portraying Committed characters as lacking in flexibility or adaptability.

Negatives of being committed

Here are some potential negatives of being committed. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Committed individuals may experience burnout from pushing themselves too hard.
  • They might become obsessed with their work or goals, neglecting other important areas of life.
  • Committed individuals may struggle with being flexible or open-minded.
  • Committed individuals might be seen as inflexible or rigid by others.
  • They may have difficulty adapting to change or pivoting from a set plan.
  • They may have a hard time saying "no" or setting boundaries.
  • Committed individuals may struggle with balancing work and personal life.

Positives of being committed

Here are some potential positives of being committed. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Helps you stay focused on your goals and dreams
  • Increases your motivation and drive to achieve success
  • Improves your ability to prioritize and manage your time effectively
  • Builds resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles and challenges
  • Boosts your confidence and self-esteem as you follow through with your actions
  • Enhances your accountability and responsibility towards your commitments

Verbal expressions of committed characters

Here are some potential expressions used by committed characters.

  • "I am fully dedicated to this"
  • "I am committed to seeing this through"
  • "This is my top priority"
  • "I won't give up until it's done"
  • "I am determined to succeed"
  • "I am willing to sacrifice for this"
  • "I will not back down"
  • "I will do whatever it takes"
  • "I am all in"

Relationships of committed characters

Here are some ways that being committed could affect your character's relationships.

  • Committed people tend to have deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.
  • They are likely to be more empathetic and understanding of others' perspectives and feelings.
  • Committed people often have a strong support network of people who they can turn to in times of need.
  • Committed people value their relationships and put effort into maintaining them over time.
  • They are often seen as dependable and trustworthy by their friends and family.
  • They are willing to work through conflicts and challenges that arise in their relationships.

Examples from books of characters who are committed

  • Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Jane Eyre from "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte
  • Winston Smith from "1984" by George Orwell
  • Sherlock Holmes from "Sherlock Holmes" stories by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Harry Potter from "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
  • Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
  • Bilbo Baggins from "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien

Writing exercises for writing committed characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write committed characters.

  • Describe a moment where your character sacrifices something important to them in order to stay committed. What does this reveal about their character?
  • Create a dialogue between your character and someone who challenges their beliefs or commitment. How does your character defend their stance?
  • Write a scene where your character faces failure or setbacks, but refuses to give up on their goal. How do they push through and stay committed?
  • Write a scene where your character sets a goal for themselves and takes active steps to achieve it, despite facing obstacles.
  • Write a scene where your character's commitment is put to the test. How do they react under pressure?
  • Create a backstory that explains why your character is committed to a particular cause or person. What motivates them to stay dedicated?
  • Describe a moment where your character must choose between staying committed to their values or giving in to temptation. How do they handle this internal conflict?
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