Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Anomalous

Character Trait Anomalous

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait Anomalous refers to a person or thing that deviates from what is considered normal or expected. It is a quality that sets an individual apart from others and makes them unique in their own way. An anomalous character may exhibit behaviors, thoughts, or actions that are unconventional or unpredictable, making them intriguing and captivating to readers. This trait can add depth and complexity to a character, making them more relatable and memorable to readers.

  1. Possible causes of being anomalous
  2. Behaviors associated with being anomalous
  3. Attitudes associated with being anomalous
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being anomalous
  5. Emotions associated with being anomalous
  6. Facial expressions associated with being anomalous
  7. Body language associated with being anomalous
  8. Behaviors associated with being anomalous
  9. Growth and evolution of anomalous characters
  10. Stereotypes of anomalous characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being anomalous
  12. Positives of being anomalous
  13. Verbal expressions of anomalous characters
  14. Relationships of anomalous characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are anomalous
  16. Writing exercises for writing anomalous characters

Possible causes of being anomalous

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Substance abuse or addiction
  • Childhood experiences
  • Mental health conditions
  • Genetics
  • Personality disorders
  • Cultural or societal influences
  • Environmental factors
  • Trauma

For detailed feedback on anomalous characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story developmental critique.

Behaviors associated with being anomalous

You may be able to show your character's trait of anomalous by using these.

  • Behaving in an unpredictable manner
  • Acting differently than expected
  • Displaying unusual abilities or powers
  • Having a unique perspective or outlook on the world
  • Standing out from the norm or being different in some way
  • Being unconventional or non-conformist
  • Being difficult to understand or categorize
  • Being independent and self-reliant
  • Challenging traditional norms or conventions

Attitudes associated with being anomalous

You may be able to show anomalous through their attitudes.

  • A sense of curiosity and fascination with the unknown or mysterious
  • A desire for self-expression and individuality
  • A sense of being different from others
  • A willingness to take risks or break rules
  • A feeling of detachment or isolation from society
  • An inclination towards creative or unconventional thinking
  • A tendency to question authority or societal norms

Thoughts and struggles associated with being anomalous

Here are some ideas for things your anomalous character may think or struggle with.

  • Confusion about their identity and place in the world
  • A sense of not fitting in with others, feeling like an outsider
  • Struggling to understand their unique abilities or traits
  • Feeling isolated and lonely
  • Self-doubt and questioning of their worth or purpose
  • Internal conflict over whether to embrace or hide their anomalous nature
  • A desire to be accepted and understood by others
  • Difficulty forming close relationships due to their differences
  • Fear of rejection or persecution for being different

Emotions associated with being anomalous

Here are some ideas for emotions your anomalous character may experience.

  • Hopefulness or optimism in finding others who share similar experiences
  • Confusion about one's own identity or purpose
  • Empowerment or liberation in embracing one's uniqueness
  • Fear of being different or not fitting in
  • Anger or frustration at societal norms that do not accept differences
  • Vulnerability or insecurity in revealing one's true self to others
  • Loneliness or isolation due to feeling misunderstood by others

Facial expressions associated with being anomalous

Here are some facial expressions your anomalous character may exhibit.

  • Uncertain smile
  • Skeptical eye roll
  • Disbelieving stare
  • Raised eyebrows
  • Quizzical look
  • Confounded frown
  • Puzzled expression
  • Bewildered countenance
  • Perplexed gaze

Body language associated with being anomalous

Here is some body language your anomalous character may exhibit.

  • Having a tense or guarded posture
  • Using unusual hand gestures or body movements while speaking
  • Speaking in a monotone or unusual pitch
  • Standing too close or too far away from others
  • Twitching or fidgeting
  • Clenching fists or jaw
  • Avoiding eye contact or staring intensely
  • Displaying odd facial expressions or microexpressions
  • Laughing at inappropriate times or not reacting emotionally when expected
  • Holding one's breath or breathing heavily
  • Scratching, picking at skin, or other nervous habits

For detailed feedback on anomalous characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story developmental critique.

Behaviors associated with being anomalous

Here are some behaviors your anomalous character may exhibit.

  • Being difficult to understand or categorize
  • Behaving in an unpredictable manner
  • Displaying unusual abilities or powers
  • Acting differently than expected
  • Being unconventional or non-conformist
  • Having a unique perspective or outlook on the world
  • Being independent and self-reliant
  • Challenging traditional norms or conventions
  • Standing out from the norm or being different in some way

Growth and evolution of anomalous characters

Here are some ways that your anomalous character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Developing new skills or abilities
  • Changing their perspectives or beliefs
  • Learning to forgive or let go of past traumas
  • Taking on new responsibilities or leadership roles
  • Becoming more compassionate or empathetic
  • Learning to trust or open up to others
  • Overcoming their fears or insecurities
  • Discovering or accepting their true identity
  • Developing stronger relationships with others

Stereotypes of anomalous characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical anomalous character like these examples.

  • Avoid making Anomalous characters solely motivated by their anomaly or powers.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters all the same or lacking in diversity.
  • Avoid making all Anomalous characters evil or villains.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters all-knowing or infallible.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters overly powerful or invincible.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters overly dependent on their anomaly or powers.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters solely defined by their anomaly or powers.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters one-dimensional or lacking in depth.
  • Avoid making Anomalous characters overly emotional or irrational.

Negatives of being anomalous

Here are some potential negatives of being anomalous. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Anomalous individuals may find it difficult to fit in with societal norms and expectations.
  • They may have trouble finding acceptance or understanding from others, including friends and family.
  • Anomalous individuals may be subject to discrimination or mistreatment due to their differences.
  • Being different from others may lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Anomalous traits may be seen as a disadvantage in certain situations, such as in the workplace or in social settings.
  • Depending on the degree of their anomaly, they may struggle with physical or mental health issues.

Positives of being anomalous

Here are some potential positives of being anomalous. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Having an unconventional perspective can lead to creative and innovative ideas that challenge the status quo.
  • Anomalous individuals may have a greater capacity for empathy and understanding of others who are also on the fringes of society.
  • Being unique and different from others can make you stand out and attract attention in a positive way.
  • Anomalous people often have a strong sense of individuality and authenticity, which can inspire others to be true to themselves as well.

Verbal expressions of anomalous characters

Here are some potential expressions used by anomalous characters.

  • Being blunt or brutally honest
  • Speaking in a monotone or robotic voice
  • Interrupting or talking over others
  • Speaking cryptically or in riddles
  • Being hyperverbal or speaking quickly
  • Using metaphors or analogies that are difficult to understand
  • Using unconventional language or vocabulary
  • Being overly formal or informal in speech
  • Being evasive or vague in responses
  • Pausing or delaying responses
  • Using repetition or looping in speech patterns
  • Using sarcasm or irony in speech

Relationships of anomalous characters

Here are some ways that being anomalous could affect your character's relationships.

  • Anomalous people may also have difficulty trusting others, particularly if they have experienced rejection or ridicule in the past.
  • They may struggle to communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts with others.
  • Conversely, they may feel inferior or inadequate due to societal pressure to conform.
  • Anomalous people may struggle to connect with others due to their unique perspectives and experiences.
  • Alternatively, they may seek out like-minded individuals who share their interests and perspectives.
  • In some cases, anomalous individuals may feel a sense of superiority over others due to their differences.
  • They may feel misunderstood and isolated, causing them to withdraw from social interactions.

Examples from books of characters who are anomalous

  • Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis
  • Ignatius J. Reilly from "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole
  • Sherlock Holmes from the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris
  • Jay Gatsby from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Lisbeth Salander from "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson
  • Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
  • Mr. Rochester from "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte
  • Severus Snape from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling

Writing exercises for writing anomalous characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write anomalous characters.

  • Write a story from the perspective of a character who sees the world in a different way than everyone else. Show how this character's unique perspective influences their actions and decisions.
  • Write a scene where your character is faced with a situation where everyone else is acting one way, but they feel compelled to act differently. Show how your character struggles with this conflict.
  • Create a character who has a secret that sets them apart from others. Write a scene where this secret is revealed and explore how it affects the character's relationships with others.
  • Write a story where the main character is an outsider in a group or community. Show how they navigate this feeling of being different and how they find acceptance or create their own sense of belonging.
  • Create a character who has a physical or mental difference that sets them apart from others. Write a scene where this difference is challenged or misunderstood by others, and show how the character responds.

Remember, when writing characters with the Anomalous trait, it's important to show the internal conflict and struggles they face while also highlighting their unique strengths and perspectives. Good luck!

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