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How to Blog as an Educator

blogging as an educator

Blogging has become an essential part of daily life for many people. Those who love to write and share their thoughts and experiences with their readers will post daily updates on either one specialized topic, or feature a broad variety of topics.

The educational blogging community continues to grow rapidly - especially now with distance learning being implemented in most countries around the world for schools and universities. The concept of blogging itself has been overlooked tremendously. A lot of people aren’t aware of the significant impacts a simple blog could have on many people around the world. It’s important to use this platform to help others benefit and learn from your own experiences.

But why should you as an educator start blogging if you haven’t already?

  1. 1. Connect with global audiences
  2. 2. Personal development
  3. 3. Inspire younger educators and students
  4. 4. Improve your skills and grow as an educator
  5. 5. Become your own motivator on the tough days
  6. 6. Learn new teaching methods
  7. 7. Inspire change and growth in fellow educators
  8. 8. Kickstart your writing career
  9. 9. Help create solutions to issues around the world

1. Connect with global audiences

While you may already have a network of educators, blogging allows you to reach audiences around the world, rather than just the people in your community. You can connect with international educators, discuss teaching methods, new lesson plans and theories as well as expand your professional network. Connecting with people from different countries also helps you gain an understanding of different cultures and teaching habits, allowing you to possibly learn new ways of educating your students!

2. Personal development

Blogging in itself allows for personal development for many. With feedback from readers, this can push you to become a better writer, help you to reflect on your work and help you grow from any valid criticism you may receive. It’s also a great creative outlet, as you have the freedom to write about anything and you can design your blog layout in any manner that you want to. With blogging, you do not have to strictly stick to writing - you can create videos for your blog, share photos and videos and create a virtual space that’s educational and fun.

3. Inspire younger educators and students

Through a blog, you will be able to help younger generations and potentially become a mentor to young students looking for external help. If you create content that is aimed towards helping students with their lessons or life in general, it can be a great source of inspiration and you’d be able to help those who might not necessarily have the funds to seek out help in their local cities. You might even spark the dream of becoming a teacher themselves!

blogging to inspire students

4. Improve your skills and grow as an educator

With a blog, you’ll be able to document your growth as an educator. While you may already use teaching methods that work, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve it. By documenting your lesson plans, methods or classroom stories daily, you’ll be able to go back to older posts and identify where there’s room for improvement. You can learn from your past self and start implementing better ideas and habits that will help you grow as an educator and an individual.

5. Become your own motivator on the tough days

Your blog will remind you why you started teaching. Even teachers have their share of bad days, and it’s important to remember why you chose this profession in the first place. Revisiting older blog posts will remind you of just that and reignite the passion you had for teaching when you first started out. You can revisit how you’ve changed your students’ lives and have a source of motivation on those days where you feel particularly low. Your blog is a space for you to detail your memorable experiences and lets you revisit them whenever you’d like.

6. Learn new teaching methods

While blogging about your own experiences, you will connect with readers and discuss different ideologies and teaching methods. Blogging can help you learn about new things - it can widen your knowledge of teaching as a whole and help you try newer, more innovative things in the classroom!

7. Inspire change and growth in fellow educators

If your readers are fellow educators and are inspired by how you teach, your blog posts can be used to help them improve their methods as well! Additionally, when you create content on lesson plans or courses, other educators may feel compelled to use your content as a reading text for their students or use them as an inspiration to implement their own new courses and ideas.

8. Kickstart your writing career

If you’ve wanted to start an alternate career out of writing, blogging is a great way to start. Your blog will showcase your writing abilities, helping you learn and improve along the way, and gives you visibility in the writing industry.

If you're using your blog as a platform to promote yourself, you want it to show you at your best. Make sure your writing is up to scratch with ProWritingAid. This powerful editing tool will help you learn as you write, picking up on writing style errors like overused words, passive voice and difficult-to-read paragraphs.

9. Help create solutions to issues around the world

Blogging will help you stay relevant when you discuss important issues that pertain to the educational community. Every country and community have their fair share of issues that may hinder the educational experience for students. It’s important to start a conversation with other educators to identify these problems and work together to create solutions that have a global impact. You could be a champion of change through a blog!

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