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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Aloud vs Allowed: What's the Difference?

aloud vs allowed

The words aloud and allowed are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings. We'll explain the difference.

Allowed means gave permission to, permitted when used as a verb.

Aloud means with a loud voice, or great noise; loudly; audibly when used as an adverb.

A good way to remember the difference is Allowed is the past tense form of Allow.

  1. The Difference Between Aloud vs Allowed

The Difference Between Aloud vs Allowed

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. These words are easy to confuse.

Allowed is the past tense and past participle of the verb "allow." It means "permitted, granted to someone, gave permission to, or accepted."

Aloud is an adverb that means "audibly or out loud."

Is the correct expression '" she said aloud' or '" she said allowed'?

The right expression is '" she said aloud'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.

What's the correct phrase 'winced nor cried aloud' or 'winced nor cried allowed'?

The right expression is 'winced nor cried aloud'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.

Should I use 'said aloud, "' or 'said allowed"'?

The correct phrase is 'said aloud , "'. These phrases are often confused because they sound similar.

Which is right 'should be allowed to' or 'should be aloud to'?

The correct phrase is 'should be allowed to'. These phrases are often confused because they sound similar.

Is the right expression 'not be allowed to' or 'not be aloud to'?

The right phrase is 'not be allowed to'. These phrases are often confused because they sound the same.

Should it be 'had been allowed to' or 'had been aloud to'?

The correct phrase is 'had been allowed to'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar sound.

Some synonyms of aloud are: audible, out loud, vocal.

Some synonyms of allowed are: allotted, given, permitted, granted.

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