Free Writing Analyzer

ProWritingAid analyzes your writing using 25+ reports so you can craft the perfect message.

Readability Grade

Analyze your writing in seconds

Get comprehensive feedback on all aspects of your writing with statistics, insights, and suggestions on how to improve.

Evaluate your writing

Assess your writing with 25+ reports, including established readability tests, sentence structure analysis, overused words, and more.

ProWritingAid product image: readability suggestion

Fix grammar, spelling, and style

ProWritingAid underlines grammar, spelling, and style issues, and offers real-time suggestions to correct them.

Enhance writing with AI

Instantly improve your writing with Sparks, the AI rewriter from ProWritingAid. Explore new options to reword your text.

AI Sparks edit in action
Critique Report Strengths

Get feedback on your story

Get custom feedback on your story's strengths, weaknesses, and areas to improve with ProWritingAid's Critique Report.

How to Analyze Your Writing

Add text to analyze

Add Your Text

Copy and paste your text directly into the tool.

Run the readability report

Choose a Report

Click "Reports" in the header and choose a report to run.

Readability grade 5

Review Results

Get insights and analysis on areas that need improvement.

Writing Analyzer FAQs

What is ProWritingAid?

ProWritingAid is a grammar checker and writing coach all in one helpful tool.

When you sign up for a ProWritingAid account, you get access to advanced grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and 25+ other reports designed to perfect your writing.

Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit and run reports on up to 500 words. It also gives you three Sparks per day needed to enhance writing using AI. If you need more, upgrading is necessary. You can find more information on our pricing page.

How do I run reports with ProWritingAid?

You can run reports using the online editor, desktop app, and browser extension.

  • In the online editor and desktop app, click "Reports" in the header, then select a report to run.

  • With the browser extension, a small dot icon appears in the bottom right-hand corner (it's a little tricky to find, we admit). If no issues are present, the dot appears green, while if improvements need to be made, it appears orange or red. To run a report, click on the dot icon and then select a report.

What software integrations does ProWritingAid offer?

ProWritingAid seamlessly integrates with MS Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, Atticus, Vellum, and more. We also offer browser extensions (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge), so you can work almost anywhere online.