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Choise vs Choice vs Choose: What's the Difference?

choice vs choose

The words choice and choose are often confused by writers. But what is the difference?

Choice means an option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something when used as a noun.

Choose means to pick; to make the choice of; to select when used as a verb.

  1. The Difference Between Choice vs Choose

The Difference Between Choice vs Choose

It's easy to confuse words with similar meanings and spellings that are different parts of speech.

Choice is a noun that means "an option or decision."

Choose is a verb that means "to make a choice, to decide or select."

Which is correct 'no choice but to' or 'no choose but to'?

The correct phrase is 'no choice but to'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the expression 'had no choice but' or 'had no choose but'?

The right expression is 'had no choice but'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the right expression 'the choice of the' or 'the choose of the'?

The right phrase is 'the choice of the'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

What's the right phrase 'in the choice of' or 'in the choose of'?

The right phrase is 'in the choice of'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the expression 'the choice of a' or 'the choose of a'?

The right phrase is 'the choice of a'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Should I use 'to choose their own' or 'to choice their own'?

You should use 'to choose their own'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the right expression 'to choose between the' or 'to choice between the'?

The right phrase is 'to choose between the'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Is the expression 'forced to choose between' or 'forced to choice between'?

The correct expression is 'forced to choose between'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Which is correct 'had to choose between' or 'had to choice between'?

The correct expression is 'had to choose between'. These phrases are often confused by writers.

Some synonyms of choice are: option, selection, opportunity, decision.

Some synonyms of choose are: name, determine, make up one's mind, pick out, select.

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