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Grammar Common Spelling Mistakes

Wich vs Which: What's the Difference?

wich vs which

The words wich and which are often confused because they sound similar. We'll explain the difference.

Which means whichever, any one that when used as a pronoun.

Wich means a bundle of thread when used as a noun.

A good way to remember the difference is Which has two Hs.

  1. The Difference Between Wich vs Which

The Difference Between Wich vs Which

It's easy to misspell the word which, but it is a very different word from wich.

Which is a pronoun and an adjective. It means "what one, whichever, any one." Sometimes it's used in place of "that."

Wich is an obsolete noun that can mean either "a bundle of thread" or "a village or settlement."

Should it be 'the extent to which' or 'the extent to wich'?

The right expression is 'the extent to which'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.

Should I use ', in which the' or ', in wich the'?

The correct phrase is ', in which the'. These phrases are often confused because of their similar sound.

Should I use ', which had been' or ', wich had been'?

The correct phrase is ', which had been'. These phrases are often confused because they are homophones.

Should I use 'the way in which' or 'the way in wich'?

The right phrase is 'the way in which'. These phrases are often confused because they have the same pronunciation but different meanings.

Should I use ', which is the' or ', wich is the'?

The correct expression is ', which is the'. These phrases are often confused because they are homophones.

The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary.

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20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas.

This guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers.

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