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Creative Writing Writing 101 2018-01-08 00:00

Why 2018 is the Year for Writers

Recruiter.com is projecting an increase of 40.59 percent in new jobs for writers and authors. Companies around the globe are expanding their content marketing efforts, great news for copywriters. And with digital publishing’s rise thanks to Amazon, authors are at the right place and the right time for getting their work out there.

In 2018, people will consume more content than ever before. Books in any form are the gateway to learning and knowledge. The most successful business people set aside time daily for reading both non-fiction and fiction.

To tap into the new wave of opportunities for writers in 2018, here are 4 trends to watch.

  1. 1. Specialization
  2. 2. Self-publishing
  3. 3. Social media
  4. 4. Writing help
  5. Conclusion

1. Specialization

Content writers will need to specialize in a niche in 2018 to offer the high quality content businesses and readers want. To stay competitive online, companies need to publish relevant, interesting content regularly. Companies that want a solid online presence will turn to writers with deep knowledge of their industry to produce content.

2. Self-publishing

Self-publishing opens the gates to more authors to get their work out there. Thanks to the increase in digital books consumption, authors can self-publish with little financial backing.

People are reading more for a variety of reasons. Currently, the most popular categories are self-improvement and entertainment. With the rising dominance of Amazon over the industry, smart writers will take advantage of self-publishing trends to offer books readers want.

3. Social media

Authors and copywriters need to jump on the social media bandwagon. Social media is the way for both businesses and authors to promote and connect with an audience.

To take advantage of social media’s reach, make sure your posts are impactful. Readers don’t want fluff; they want valuable information that grabs their attention with visual appeal and interesting, witty content.

4. Writing help

What do students do when writing is their weakness? They turn to academic and other writers for help as well as tools and resources. Writing tools like ProWritingAid help writers of all abilities create better content. Be on the lookout for new tools and services that help people write better.

In addition to tools, individuals and businesses alike are turning more to academic and freelance writers. Professional writers help them create well-researched and written articles, e-books, white papers, and other content. Quality outweighs quantity, so writers who produce high quality, engaging content will flourish in 2018.


There’s a paradigm shift for writers in 2018. Demand will be high, which raises the value of what writers produce. Whether you write fiction, non-fiction, or content for businesses, your products will fuel the massive demand for content this year.

Don’t take our word for it; do your own research. And work on improving your writing skills in 2018. Trends come and go, but great writing always stands out. Let great writing be the core of your writing strategy for the new year.

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Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.