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Creative Writing Memoir

Outline Your Memoir Using Fairy Tale and Myth

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Do you dream of writing a memoir, but find the project overwhelming? Or perhaps you’ve started, but you’re bogged down, overwhelmed, lost in the middle of it?

Do you wonder why you’re overwhelmed? Is it difficult to choose a clear theme? Or did you start with clarity, but now, in the middle of the project, the stories and themes you wanted to work with no longer feel right?

Maybe you’re flooded with painful memories, and you’re afraid of being re-traumatized.

According to transformational memoir-writing teacher Janelle Hardy, these are common memoir-writing challenges. You might remember her from the Memoir-Writing and Healing webinar she shared with us back in May 2020.

Janelle specializes in body-centric creative healing and is the creator and teacher of a healing focused memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking.

She’s a long-time creative (writing, painting and dance) who studied anthropology and spent 13+ years doing hands-on healing work (Rolfing/Structural Integration.) That, plus her love of story, helped her synthesize a memoir-writing process that taps into the wisdom of ancient tales (like fairytale, folklore and myth) and our body’s guidance.

That’s why on Thursday March 4th, at 12pm Pacific Time (3pm Eastern Time), we're hosting a free live workshop with Janelle so she can show you how to outline your memoir, using your favorite fairy tale or myth. And don’t worry if this seems strange, or you aren’t familiar with ancient tales - once you sign up she’ll send you an e-mail guiding you through the process of choosing a story to work with.

She loves teaching this work - in fact, the workshop she’s teaching is the foundation of her Art of Personal Mythmaking course.

Click this link to register now!

**Note: We're affiliates of Janelle's so if you click the links in the post, we earn a small amount. That being said, we wholeheartedly support her work and wouldn't share it if we didn't believe it was valuable for our community.

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