We love our community of indie authors here at ProWritingAid, and we're always looking for opportunities to open up the world of self-publishing a little wider. That's why we asked Chelsea Bennett from Lulu to join us for a free Lulu walkthrough so that you can decide if it's the publishing software for you.
Webinar Replay: Lulu Walkthrough and Q&A with Chelsea Bennett
Are you ready to self-publish your book? We invited Chelsea to show us how Lulu can help. Lulu is one of the top self-publishing and print-on-demand companies out there. Whether you are creating a gift, a book to sell on Amazon, a manual for your office, a portfolio, or any other kind of book for any purpose, Lulu can help make it happen.
Chelsea Bennett
Chelsea Bennett is the Brand Engagement Manager for Lulu.com and is constantly researching and developing new resources for self-published authors. Her areas of expertise include self-publishing, Print-on-Demand technology, building an author brand, direct sales and marketing for self-published authors and entrepreneurs.