Creative Writing Fiction

How to Triumph at NaNoWriMo This Year

Here at ProWritingAid HQ, we are super excited to be sponsoring NaNoWriMo this year. Over the next couple of months, we'll be sharing loads of NaNoWriMo content to help you make the most of the challenge this year.

As part of our sponsorship, we get access to NaNoWriMo Executive Director, Grant Faulkner. In a live session on October 19, he will share the top secrets that will help you stick to your writing practice and produce a full first draft of your novel.

preparing for nanowrimo, Oct 19, 7pm UK 2pm ET

ProWritingAid's Ultimate Guide to NaNoWriMo

Whether you're taking part for the first time or the twentieth time, there's always more to learn about how to get the most out of NaNoWriMo. That's why we've gathered all of our best resources for you in this ultimate guide.

Let's dive in.

8 Steps to NaNoWriMo Success

hands lifting trophy, silhouetted against a sunset

Lots of our writers over on the ProWritingAid blog have taken part in NaNoWriMo over the years, so we asked them for all their tips and tricks. Find out how to ace NaNoWriMo in the articles below:

NaNoWriMo For Beginners

First time taking part? NaNoWriMo is a big undertaking. Learn more about what you can expect over the next 30 days from an author who has done it all before.

Preparing for NaNoWriMo: Get Your Head In The Game

30 days of focus is no joke. If you're taking on NaNoWriMo, you're probably doing something else full-time. Here's a game plan to help you complete the challenge and get into a mindset for success.

Famous Planners and Pansters We'll Be Inspired By This NaNoWriMo

Whether you're a planner or a pants-er, you're in good company. For every successful novelist out there, there's a different way of approaching writing a novel - and they all think their's is the right way. Find out which bestselling authors plan their novels down to the chapter and which fly by the seat of their proverbial pants.

How to Establish the Perfect NaNoWriMo Writing Environment

You'll learn a lot about yourself and your writing during NaNoWriMo. How you like to plan, how you organize yourself, the people you have around you; all of this is part of your writing environment, and that's what we're focusing on in this article.

How to Win at NaNoWriMo: Stay Productive and Write Your Novel

In this article, author Kathy Edens gives you her tips for staying productive when 50,000 words feel a million miles away. Follow these tips, and keep the words flowing.

Use NaNoWriMo to Create A Writing Habit That Sticks

NaNoWriMo isn't all about that 50,000 word target. It's also about developing a writing habit that will continue way beyond November. Here's how to use NaNoWriMo to make writing a priority all year round.

Getting Through the Midpoint of NaNoWriMo: Avoid Burnout and Write That Novel!

Here's an essential fact to remember for all NaNoWriMo participants. Don’t burn out on your manuscript because it’s ugly. It should be ugly! It should be a mess. It should have inconsistencies and vague words and characters whose names change to “Maurice” because you decided that was more interesting than “Bob.” Your objective should be getting your 50,000 words. Here's how to make sure you get there.

You've Completed NaNoWriMo: What Comes Next?

You wrote a novel! Well done. Reaching the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words in a month is an impressive feat. Now it's time to edit. The self-edit is vital, and it will take your novel from good to great. Here's everything to look for to make your manuscript shine.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! We hope these tips help you get the most out of NaNoWriMo this year. Now, all that's left to do is get writing!

Preparing For NaNoWriMo: A Q&A With the Executive Director, Grant Faulkner

preparing for nanowrimo, Oct 19, 7pm UK 2pm ET

November is fast approaching, and with it comes National Novel Writing Month, the writing challenge that asks you to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

We've asked the ultimate NaNo expert—NaNoWriMo Executive Director, Grant Faulkner—to share his advice. Join us for a Q&A and get all your questions answered.

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.