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Grammar Parts Of Speech 6 min2023-04-25 00:00

Adjectives That Start With T: 200+ T Adjectives

adjectives that start with T

Adjectives are describing words you can use to describe nouns in your writing. If you want to add more details to your description, try adding some adjectives that start with T.

There are several types of adjectives you could use in your writing. For example, depending on the tone you’re trying to achieve with your writing, you could use positive or negative adjectives.

The tone of your words is important for adding another layer of detail to your writing. Choosing certain adjectives to create the right mood or tone will help your reader understand what you’re trying to convey.

In this article, we’ll provide you with lists of adjectives that start with T for a variety of uses, such as describing people and character traits. 

T Words to Describe Someone

A vivid description of a person can make it easier for your reader to imagine what the person is like or how they look. Therefore, it’s a good idea to include some adjectives that start with T in your descriptions to add some concrete details.

Here’s a list of descriptive adjectives that start with T that can describe people:

  • Tacky

  • Tactful

  • Tactical

  • Tactless

  • Tainted

  • Talented

  • Talkative

  • Tall

  • Taller

  • Tallest

  • Tame

  • Tamed

  • Tanned

  • Tantalizing

  • Tardy

  • Targeted

  • Tattered

  • Taunting

  • Taxing

  • Teachable

  • Team player

  • Tear-filled

  • Tearful

  • Teasing

  • Technical

  • Technological

  • Tedious

  • Teenage

  • Teenager

  • Teeny

  • Telekinetic

  • Telepathic

  • Temperamental

  • Temperate

  • Temporary

  • Ten

  • Tenacious

  • Tender

  • Tenderhearted

  • Tense

  • Tentative

  • Tenuous

  • Terrestrial

  • Terrible

  • Terrific

  • Terrified

  • Terrifying

  • Territorial

  • Terse

  • Tested

  • Testy

  • Tetchy

  • Thankful

  • Thankless

  • Theatrical

  • Theological

  • Therapeutic

  • Thick

  • Thievish

  • Thin

  • Thinkable

  • Thirsty

  • Thorough

  • Thoughtful

  • Thoughtless

  • Threatened

  • Threatening

  • Three

  • Thriftless

  • Thrifty

  • Thrilled

  • Thrilling

  • Thunderous

  • Ticklish

  • Tidy

  • Tightfisted

  • Timeless

  • Timid

  • Timorous

  • Tiny

  • Tipsy

  • Tired

  • Tireless

  • Tiresome

  • Tiring

  • Toddler

  • Tolerable

  • Tolerant

  • Tone-deaf

  • Toothsome

  • Toothy

  • Tormented

  • Torn

  • Torrid

  • Torturous

  • Touched

  • Touching

  • Touchy

  • Tough

  • Towering

  • Toxic

  • Traditional

  • Tragic

  • Trainable

  • Trained

  • Training

  • Traitorous

  • Transcendent

  • Transformative

  • Transformed

  • Transient

  • Translucent

  • Transparent

  • Trapped

  • Trashy

  • Traumatic

  • Treasured

  • Trembling

  • Tremendous

  • Trendy

  • Tribal

  • Tricky

  • Trifling

  • Tripping

  • Triumphant

  • Troubled

  • Troublesome

  • Troubling

  • Trusted

  • Trustful

  • Trusting

  • Trustworthy

  • Trusty

  • Truthful

  • Trying

  • Tubby

  • Tumultuous

  • Twin

  • Twisted

  • Twitchy

  • Two

  • Tyrannical

  • Tyrannous

adjectives that start with T list

Character Traits That Start With T

When writing a story or novel, it’s important to add depth to your characters by including character traits, as this will help readers understand why the character made certain decisions.

For example, if you’ve designed a teenage character who is transitioning into adulthood, your reader will understand that the character is likely to change a lot throughout the story.

Here’s a list of T adjectives you can use as character traits:

  • Tactful

  • Talented

  • Team player

  • Teasing

  • Teenage

  • Telekinetic

  • Telepathic

  • Temperamental

  • Tenacious

  • Tender-hearted

  • Terrifying

  • Thievish

  • Thorough

  • Thoughtful

  • Threadbare

  • Thrifty

  • Tolerant

  • Tortured

  • Traditional

  • Trashy

  • Trendy

  • Troublesome

  • Trusting

  • Trustworthy

  • Twisted

  • Tyrannical

Positive Adjectives That Start With T

Positive adjectives are great for describing things that are pleasant or good.

If you’re copywriting for an ecommerce website, or you’re simply trying to sell something, you can use positive words in your descriptions to influence your customers to make a purchase.

For example, if you’re selling a sweet snack, you could describe it as “tangy,” “tart,” and “tasty.”

Here’s some positive adjectives that start with the letter T:

  • Tactful

  • Tactical

  • Tactual

  • Talented

  • Tall

  • Taller

  • Tallest

  • Tame

  • Tamed

  • Tan

  • Tangible

  • Tangy

  • Tanned

  • Tantalizing

  • Tart

  • Tasteful

  • Tasty

  • Teachable

  • Team player

  • Tempted

  • Tempting

  • Tenable

  • Tenacious

  • Tender

  • Tenderhearted

  • Terrific

  • Textual

  • Textural

  • Textured

  • Thankful

  • Theatrical

  • Thematic

  • Theological

  • Theoretical

  • Therapeutic

  • Thermal

  • Thick

  • Thorough

  • Thoughtful

  • Thousands

  • Thrifty

  • Thrilled

  • Thrilling

  • Tidy

  • Time-honored

  • Timeless

  • Timely

  • Tinkling

  • Tolerable

  • Tolerant

  • Top

  • Topical

  • Total

  • Touched

  • Touching

  • Traditional

  • Trainable

  • Tranquil

  • Transcendent

  • Transformative

  • Treasured

  • Treatable

  • Tremendous

  • Trendy

  • Triumphant

  • Tropical

  • Trusted

  • Trustful

  • Trusting

  • Trustworthy

  • Trusty

  • Truthful

  • Tuneful

  • Twinkling

  • Twinkly

  • Typical

T adjectives list

Negative Adjectives That Start With T

If you want to describe something bad, you can use negative adjectives to be more specific about how horrible it is.

The word “bad” is a weak adjective, as it doesn’t give any more detail to the noun it’s modifying. There are several stronger adjectives that start with T that you can use instead of “bad.”

For example, if the antagonist in your story is bad, and you want to emphasize their villainy, you could describe them as “terrifying,” “threatening,” or “torturous.”

Here’s a list of negative adjectives that start with the letter T:

  • Taboo

  • Tacit

  • Tacky

  • Tactless

  • Tainted

  • Talkative

  • Tardy

  • Targeted

  • Tarnished

  • Tasteless

  • Taunting

  • Taxing

  • Tear-filled

  • Tearful

  • Teasing

  • Tedious

  • Teensy

  • Teeny

  • Teeny-tiny

  • Teeny-weeny

  • Telling

  • Temperamental

  • Temperate

  • Temporary

  • Tense

  • Tentative

  • Tepid

  • Terrible

  • Terrified

  • Terrifying

  • Territorial

  • Terse

  • Tested

  • Testy

  • Tetchy

  • Thankless

  • Thievish

  • Thorny

  • Thoughtless

  • Thrashed

  • Threadbare

  • Threatened

  • Threatening

  • Thriftless

  • Thundering

  • Thunderous

  • Tightfisted

  • Timid

  • Timorous

  • Tinted

  • Tiny

  • Tired

  • Tiresome

  • Tiring

  • Tone-deaf

  • Toneless

  • Tormented

  • Torn

  • Torrential

  • Torrid

  • Torturous

  • Tough

  • Toxic

  • Tragic

  • Traitorous

  • Translucent

  • Transparent

  • Trapped

  • Trashed

  • Trashy

  • Traumatic

  • Treacherous

  • Treasonable

  • Treasonous

  • Tricky

  • Trifling

  • Trite

  • Trivial

  • Troubled

  • Troublesome

  • Troubling

  • Trying

  • Tuneless

  • Turbulent

  • Twisted

  • Twitchy

  • Tyrannical

  • Tyrannous

Full List of Adjectives Starting With T

There are many more adjectives we haven’t included on the previous lists because they don’t fit into those categories. However, we want to ensure you have as many adjectives beginning with T as possible.

Here’s our comprehensive list of adjectives that start with T:

  • Taboo

  • Tacit

  • Tacky

  • Tactful

  • Tactical

  • Tactless

  • Tactual

  • Tainted

  • Take-charge

  • Talented

  • Talkative

  • Tall

  • Taller

  • Tallest

  • Tame

  • Tamed

  • Tan

  • Tangential

  • Tangible

  • Tangled

  • Tangy

  • Tanned

  • Tantalizing

  • Tapered

  • Tardy

  • Targeted

  • Tarnished

  • Tart

  • Tartan

  • Tasteful

  • Tasteless

  • Tasty

  • Tattered

  • Taunting

  • Taut

  • Taxing

  • Teachable

  • Teal

  • Team player

  • Tear-filled

  • Tearful

  • Tearing

  • Teasing

  • Technical

  • Technological

  • Tectonic

  • Tedious

  • Teeming

  • Teenage

  • Teenager

  • Teensy

  • Teeny

  • Teeny-tiny

  • Teeny-weeny

  • Telegraphic

  • Telekinetic

  • Telepathic

  • Telephonic

  • Telescopic

  • Telling

  • Temperamental

  • Temperate

  • Tempestuous

  • Temporary

  • Tempted

  • Tempting

  • Ten

  • Ten-minute

  • Tenable

  • Tenacious

  • Tender

  • Tenderhearted

  • Tense

  • Tentative

  • Tenth

  • Tenuous

  • Tepid

  • Terminal

  • Terrestrial

  • Terrible

  • Terrific

  • Terrified

  • Terrifying

  • Territorial

  • Terse

  • Tested

  • Testy

  • Tetchy

  • Textual

  • Textural

  • Textured

  • Thankful

  • Thankless

  • Theatrical

  • Thematic

  • Theological

  • Theoretical

  • Therapeutic

  • Thermal

  • These

  • Thick

  • Thievish

  • Thin

  • Thinkable

  • Third

  • Thirsty

  • Thorny

  • Thorough

  • Those

  • Thoughtful

  • Thoughtless

  • Thousands

  • Thrashed

  • Threadbare

  • Threatened

  • Threatening

  • Three

  • Thriftless

  • Thrifty

  • Thrilled

  • Thrilling

  • Throbbing

  • Thumping

  • Thundering

  • Thunderous

  • Ticking

  • Tickling

  • Ticklish

  • Tidal

  • Tidy

  • Tight

  • Tightfisted

  • Time

  • Time-honored

  • Timeless

  • Timely

  • Timid

  • Timorous

  • Tinkling

  • Tinted

  • Tiny

  • Tipsy

  • Tired

  • Tireless

  • Tiresome

  • Tiring

  • Tolerable

  • Tolerant

  • Tonal

  • Tone-deaf

  • Toneless

  • Toothsome

  • Toothy

  • Top

  • Topical

  • Topographical

  • Tormented

  • Torn

  • Torpid

  • Torrential

  • Torrid

  • Torturous

  • Total

  • Touched

  • Touching

  • Touchy

  • Tough

  • Towering

  • Toxic

  • Traditional

  • Tragic

  • Trainable

  • Trained

  • Training

  • Traitorous

  • Tranquil

  • Transcendent

  • Transcendental

  • Transformational

  • Transformative

  • Transformed

  • Transient

  • Transitional

  • Transitory

  • Translucent

  • Transparent

  • Transplanted

  • Trapped

  • Trashed

  • Trashy

  • Traumatic

  • Treacherous

  • Treasonable

  • Treasonous

  • Treasured

  • Treatable

  • Trembling

  • Tremendous

  • Tremulous

  • Trenchant

  • Trendy

  • Triangular

  • Tribal

  • Trick

  • Tricky

  • Trifling

  • Trim

  • Tripping

  • Trite

  • Triumphant

  • Trivial

  • Tropical

  • Troubled

  • Troublesome

  • Troubling

  • Truculent

  • Trusted

  • Trustful

  • Trusting

  • Trustworthy

  • Trusty

  • Truthful

  • Trying

  • Tubby

  • Tumultuous

  • Tuneful

  • Tuneless

  • Turbulent

  • Turquoise

  • Twin

  • Twinkling

  • Twinkly

  • Twisted

  • Twitchy

  • Two

  • Typical

  • Tyrannical

  • Tyrannous

There you have it, a list of over 200 adjectives starting with T that you can use in your descriptions.

You can check your writing has enough descriptive words by using some of the ProWritingAid reports, such as the Thesaurus report and the cliché report.

The Thesaurus report will highlight all adjectives you’ve used in your writing. You can use the results to identify areas where you haven’t included enough detailed descriptions.

The cliché report will help you improve your descriptions by pointing out any vague or abstract words, including weak adjectives. Try replacing any weak adjectives with some strong adjectives starting with T and check the report to see if you’ve picked a suitable replacement. 

You can also pop any of these T adjectives into the Word Explorer on our website to get a definition, synonyms, and rhymes. If you’re not sure whether a specific adjective is right for your sentence, use the Word Explorer first to check if the meaning matches what you want to say.

We hope all these adjectives that start with T will help you create some vivid descriptions in your writing.

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