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Grammar Parts Of Speech 8 min2023-04-05 00:00

500+ Adjectives That Start With G

adjectives that start with g

The garrulous, gallant gladiator grinned at the gaunt goat.

If you’re trying to write a sentence packed with alliteration, like the sentence above, you might be looking for adjectives that start with G.

Words that start with a specific letter can be useful for creating a memorable business slogan, a great character description, or many other forms of writing.

So, if you’re looking for adjectives that start with G, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll give you 500+ adjectives that start with G, which you can use to bring your writing to life.  

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Adjectives Starting With G to Describe a Person

Often, you might need to use adjectives to describe a real person or a fictional character in your writing.

You can use descriptive adjectives to describe an individual’s personality. For example, you might call someone gloomy (definition: downhearted and pessimistic), genial (definition: friendly and amiable), or gifted (definition: exceptionally talented).

You can also use G adjectives to describe someone’s appearance. You might say someone is gaunt (definition: lean and haggard) or gorgeous (definition: beautiful and stunning).

g adjectives list

Here are some adjectives beginning with G that you can use to talk about a real person or fictional character.

  • Gabby

  • Gallant

  • Galling

  • Gally

  • Galvanized

  • Galvanizing

  • Gangly

  • Garbled

  • Garish

  • Garrulous

  • Gaseous

  • Gauche

  • Gaudy

  • Gaunt

  • Gauzy

  • Gawky

  • Gay

  • General

  • Generic

  • Generous

  • Genial

  • Genteel

  • Gentle

  • Gentle

  • Genuine

  • Georgian

  • Geriatric

  • German

  • Ghastly

  • Ghostly

  • Ghoulish

  • Giant

  • Giddy

  • Gifted

  • Gigantic

  • Giggling

  • Giving

  • Giving

  • Glad

  • Gladsome

  • Glamorous

  • Glaring

  • Gleaming

  • Gleeful

  • Glib

  • Glistening

  • Global

  • Gloomy

  • Glorious

  • Glowing

  • Glum

  • Glummy

  • Glutinous

  • Glutton

  • Gluttonous

  • Gnarly

  • Goarish

  • Godless

  • Godly

  • Golden

  • Gone

  • Good

  • Goodish

  • Goodly

  • Goofy

  • Gorgeous

  • Gossipy

  • Governable

  • Graceless

  • Gracious

  • Grame

  • Grandiose

  • Graphic

  • Grateful

  • Gratified

  • Gratifying

  • Grating

  • Gratuitous

  • Gravelly

  • Gray

  • Greasy

  • Great

  • Greedy

  • Greek

  • Green

  • Gregarious

  • Grey

  • Grieving

  • Grieving

  • Grievous

  • Grimy

  • Grinning

  • Gritty

  • Grizzled

  • Groaning

  • Groggy

  • Groomed

  • Gross

  • Grotesque

  • Growling

  • Grown

  • Grown-up

  • Grubby

  • Grumpy

  • Guaranteed

  • Guarded

  • Guileful

  • Guilt-ridden

  • Guiltless

  • Guilty

  • Gullible

  • Gullish

  • Gung-ho

  • Gushing

  • Gutsy

  • Guttural

Positive Adjectives Starting With G

Depending on what you’re writing, you might be looking for adjectives that start with G with specifically positive connotations.

For example, if you’re writing a landing page for your company, you want to showcase your brand in a way that attracts potential customers. Similarly, if you’re writing a letter of recommendation for a student or colleague, you want to use words that highlight that person’s positive traits.

You might compliment someone by calling them generous (definition: munificent and giving) or genteel (definition: polite and respectable).

g adjectives list
So, if you want to make sure you’re using positive words, this is the section for you. Here are some positive adjectives that start with G.

  • Gainful

  • Gallant

  • Galore

  • Game

  • Gamesome

  • Garden

  • Generative

  • Generous

  • Genial

  • Genteel

  • Gentle

  • Genuine

  • Germane

  • Gettable

  • Giddy

  • Gifted

  • Gifting

  • Giggling

  • Giggly

  • Gilded

  • Gilt

  • Giving

  • Glad

  • Glamorous

  • Glazed

  • Glazy

  • Gleaming

  • Glittering

  • Glorious

  • Godlike

  • Godly

  • Gold

  • Good

  • Good-hearted

  • Good-humored

  • Good-looking

  • Good-natured

  • Good-tempered

  • Goodish

  • Goodly

  • Gorgeous

  • Graced

  • Graceful

  • Gracile

  • Gracious

  • Gradely

  • Grandiloquent

  • Grandiose

  • Grateful

  • Gratified

  • Gratifying

  • Gratis

  • Gratuitous

  • Great

  • Greater

  • Greatest

  • Gregarious

  • Grinning

  • Groomed

  • Groovy

  • Groundbreaking

  • Grounded

  • Grown-up

  • Guaranteed

  • Guided

  • Guiding

  • Guiltless

  • Gumptious

  • Gustatory

  • Gutsy

Negative Adjectives Starting With G

There are also scenarios where you might need to use specifically negative adjectives.

As a simple example, if you’re writing the villain in a story, you probably want the reader to dislike them. You might say they’re gutless (definition: lacking courage) or gluttonous (definition: greedy and insatiable).

So, here are some adjectives that start with G with negative connotations.

  • Gainless

  • Gameless

  • Gamesome

  • Gangrenous

  • Gaping

  • Garish

  • Gaseous

  • Gassy

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Gauche

  • Gaudy

  • Gaulish

  • Gaunt

  • Gawky

  • Generalized

  • Generic

  • Ghast

  • Ghastful

  • Ghastly

  • Ghetto

  • Ghostless

  • Ghostlike

  • Ghostly

  • Gimcrack

  • Gimmicky

  • Glaring

  • Glassy-eyed

  • Glib

  • Gloating

  • Gloomy

  • Glum

  • Glut

  • Glutton

  • Gluttonish

  • Gluttonous

  • Gnarled

  • Gnawing

  • Goading

  • God-awful

  • Goody-goody

  • Goofy

  • Goonish

  • Gorged

  • Gossipy

  • Ghoulish

  • Graceless

  • Grainy

  • Grappling

  • Grating

  • Greasy

  • Great

  • Greedy

  • Grief

  • Grief-stricken

  • Grieving

  • Grievous

  • Grimaced

  • Grimy

  • Griping

  • Gristly

  • Gritty

  • Gross

  • Grotesque

  • Grouchy

  • Groundless

  • Grudging

  • Gruesome

  • Gruff

  • Gutless

Descriptive Words That Start With G

Descriptive words can provide more detail about a noun or pronoun. They might convey more information about something’s size, shape, or color.

Here are some describing words beginning with G.

  • Gallant

  • Galled

  • Gamy

  • Gangly

  • Garden

  • Garish

  • Garlicky

  • Gathered

  • Gaudy

  • Gaunt

  • Gauzy

  • Gay

  • General

  • Generalized

  • Generic

  • Generous

  • Genteel

  • Gentle

  • Gentlemanly

  • Geographical

  • Geologic

  • Geological

  • Geometric

  • Geometrical

  • Geostationary

  • Germanic

  • Germfree

  • Ghostlike

  • Gibbous

  • Giddy

  • Gifted

  • Gigantic

  • Gilled

  • Girlish

  • Given

  • Giving

  • Global

  • Glorified

  • Glorious

  • Glossy

  • Gloved

  • Glowering

  • Glowing

  • Glued

  • Godforsaken

  • Gone

  • Gonzo

  • Goodly

  • Gorgeous

  • Gory

  • Grant

  • Grassless

  • Gratifying

  • Gravitational

  • Grilled

  • Grooved

  • Gross

  • Growing

  • Grueling

  • Grumbling

  • Guarded

  • Gubernatorial

  • Guided

  • Guiding

  • Guileful

  • Guilty

  • Gummy

  • Gushing

  • Gutless

  • Gutsy

  • Guttural

  • Gymnastic

  • Gynecologic

  • Gynecological

  • Gyral

Science Words That Start With G

If you’re writing a scientific article or essay, or if you’re writing science fiction, you might need to use technical language that has scientific meanings.

Here are some science adjectives that start with G.

  • Galactic

  • Galilean

  • Galilean

  • Galvanic

  • Galvanized

  • Gastroduodenal

  • Gastroesophageal

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Gastronomic

  • Gastronomical

  • Gauche

  • Gemmiferous

  • Genealogic

  • Genealogical

  • Genitival

  • Genitive

  • Genitourinary

  • Genotypic

  • Genotypical

  • Geocentric

  • Geochemical

  • Geodesic

  • Geodesical

  • Geodetic

  • Geographic

  • Geographical

  • Geologic

  • Geological

  • Geometric

  • Geometrical

  • Geomorphologic

  • Geomorphological

  • Geophysical

  • Geophytic

  • Geopolitical

  • Georgian

  • Geostationary

  • Geostrategic

  • Geosynchronous

  • Geothermal

  • Geothermic

  • Geriatric

  • Germfree

  • Germicidal

  • Germinal

  • Gerontological

  • Gerundial

  • Gestational

  • Gesticulating

  • Gibbous

  • Glandular

  • Globular

  • Glomerular

  • Glossopharyngeal

  • Glottal

  • Glottochronological

  • Graecophile

  • Gravimetric

  • Gravitational

  • Gravitative

  • Gymnosophical

  • Gymnospermous

  • Gynandromorphic

  • Gynandromorphs

  • Gynecologic

  • Gynecological

  • Gyral

  • Gyroscopic

A Full List of G Adjectives

You might be looking for G adjectives that don't fit into any of the above categories.

So, without further ado, here’s a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with G.

  • Gabby

  • Gabled

  • Gabonese

  • Gaelic

  • Gaga

  • Gainful

  • Gainless

  • Gainly

  • Galactic

  • Galilean

  • Galilean

  • Gallant

  • Galled

  • Gallic

  • Gallican

  • Gallinaceous

  • Galling

  • Gally

  • Galore

  • Galvanic

  • Galvanizing

  • Galvanized

  • Galvanizing

  • Galwegian

  • Gambian

  • Game

  • Game-changing

  • Gameless

  • Gamesome

  • Gamey

  • Gammy

  • Gamopetalous

  • Gamy

  • Gandhian

  • Gangling

  • Gangly

  • Gangrenous

  • Gap-toothed

  • Gaping

  • Garbed

  • Garbled

  • Gardant

  • Garden

  • Gargantuan

  • Garish

  • Garlicky

  • Garmented

  • Garmentless

  • Garrulous

  • Gaseous

  • Gasified

  • Gasping

  • Gassy

  • Gastric

  • Gastroduodenal

  • Gastroesophageal

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Gastronomic

  • Gastronomical

  • Gathered

  • Gauche

  • Gaudy

  • Gauguinesque

  • Gaulish

  • Gaumless

  • Gaunt

  • Gauntleted

  • Gaussian

  • Gauzy

  • Gawky

  • Gay

  • Geared

  • Gelatinlike

  • Gelatinous

  • Gelded

  • Gelid

  • Gemmed

  • Gemmiferous

  • Genealogic

  • Genealogical

  • General

  • General-purpose

  • Generalized

  • Generational

  • Generative

  • Generic

  • Generous

  • Genetic

  • Genetical

  • Genial

  • Genic

  • Geniculate

  • Genital

  • Genitals

  • Genitival

  • Genitive

  • Genitourinary

  • Genoese

  • Genotypic

  • Genotypical

  • Genovese

  • Genteel

  • Gentile

  • Gentle

  • Gentlemanlike

  • Gentlemanly

  • Gentler

  • Genuine

  • Geocentric

  • Geodesic

  • Geodesical

  • Geodetic

  • Geographic

  • Geographical

  • Geologic

  • Geological

  • Geometric

  • Geometrical

  • Geomorphologic

  • Geomorphological

  • Geophysical

  • Geophytic

  • Geopolitical

  • Georgian

  • Geostationary

  • Geostrategic

  • Geosynchronous

  • Geothermal

  • Geothermic

  • Geriatric

  • German

  • Germane

  • Germanic

  • Germfree

  • Germicidal

  • Germinal

  • Germy

  • Gerontological

  • Gerundial

  • Gestational

  • Gesticulating

  • Gestural

  • Getatable

  • Ghanaian

  • Ghanese

  • Ghanaian

  • Ghast

  • Ghastful

  • Ghastly

  • Ghetto

  • Ghostless

  • Ghostlike

  • Ghostly

  • Ghoulish

  • Giant

  • Gibbose

  • Gibbous

  • Gibelike

  • Gibraltarian

  • Giddy

  • Gifted

  • Gifting

  • Gigantic

  • Giggling

  • Giggly

  • Gilbertian

  • Gilded

  • Gilled

  • Gilt

  • Gilt-edged

  • Gimbaled

  • Gimcrack

  • Gimmicky

  • Gimpy

  • Ginger

  • Gingerly

  • Gingery

  • Gingival

  • Girlish

  • Given

  • Giving

  • Glabellar

  • Glabrescent

  • Glabrous

  • Glace

  • Glacial

  • Glaciated

  • Glad

  • Gladdened

  • Gladiatorial

  • Gladsome

  • Glamorous

  • Glandular

  • Glaring

  • Glary

  • Glass

  • Glassed

  • Glassless

  • Glassy

  • Glassy-eyed

  • Glaswegian

  • Glaucous

  • Glazed

  • Glazy

  • Gleaming

  • Gleeful

  • Glial

  • Glib

  • Glimmery

  • Glinting

  • Glistening

  • Glistering

  • Glittering

  • Glittery

  • Gloating

  • Global

  • Globose

  • Globular

  • Glomerular

  • Gloomful

  • Glooming

  • Gloomy

  • Glorified

  • Glorious

  • Gloriously

  • Glossopharyngeal

  • Glossy

  • Glottal

  • Glottochronological

  • Gloved

  • Gloveless

  • Glowering

  • Glowing

  • Glued

  • Gluey

  • Glum

  • Glummy

  • Glut

  • Gluteal

  • Glutinous

  • Glutted

  • Glutton

  • Gluttonish

  • Gluttonous

  • Glycogenic

  • Gnarled

  • Gnarly

  • Gnawing

  • Gnomic

  • Gnomish

  • Gnostic

  • Go

  • Goaded

  • Goading

  • Goalless

  • Goarish

  • Goateed

  • Gobsmacked

  • God-awful

  • God-fearing

  • God-like

  • Goddam

  • Goddamn

  • Goddamned

  • Godforsaken

  • Godless

  • Godlike

  • Godly

  • Goethean

  • Goethian

  • Goggle-eyed

  • Going

  • Gold

  • Gold-digging

  • Golden

  • Gonadal

  • Gonadotropic

  • Gonadotropic

  • Gone

  • Gonzo

  • Good

  • Good-for-nothing

  • Good-hearted

  • Good-humored

  • Good-looking

  • Good-natured

  • Good-tempered

  • Good hearted

  • Goodish

  • Goodly

  • Goody-goody

  • Gooey

  • Goofy

  • Goonish

  • Gooselike

  • Goosey

  • Goosy

  • Gordian

  • Gorged

  • Gorgeous

  • Gormless

  • Gory

  • Gossamer

  • Gossamery

  • Gossipy

  • Gothic

  • Ghoulish

  • Gouty

  • Governable

  • Governing

  • Governmental

  • Gowned

  • Grabby

  • Graced

  • Graceful

  • Graceless

  • Gracile

  • Gracious

  • Gradable

  • Gradational

  • Gradatory

  • Graded

  • Gradely

  • Gradual

  • Graduate

  • Graduated

  • Graecophile

  • Grecophilia

  • Grainy

  • Grame

  • Grammatic

  • Grammatical

  • Grand

  • Grander

  • Grandest

  • Grandiloquent

  • Grandiose

  • Granitelike

  • Granitic

  • Grant

  • Granted

  • Granular

  • Granulated

  • Granuliferus

  • Granulocytic

  • Granulomatous

  • Granulose

  • Grapelike

  • Grapey

  • Graphic

  • Graphical

  • Grappling

  • Grapy

  • Graspable

  • Grasping

  • Grassless

  • Grasslike

  • Grassroots

  • Grassy

  • Grateful

  • Gratified

  • Gratifying

  • Grating

  • Gratis

  • Gratuitous

  • Gratulatory

  • Grave

  • Gravelly

  • Graven

  • Gravest

  • Gravid

  • Gravimetric

  • Gravitational

  • Gravitative

  • Gray

  • Gray-haired

  • Grayish

  • Grazed

  • Greased

  • Greaseproof

  • Greasy

  • Great

  • Greater

  • Greatest

  • Greathearted

  • Grecian

  • Greco-roman

  • Greedily

  • Greedy

  • Greek

  • Green

  • Green-eyed

  • Greenhouse

  • Greenish

  • Greensick

  • Greenside

  • Gregarious

  • Gregorian

  • Grenadian

  • Grey

  • Greyed

  • Greyish

  • Grief

  • Grief-stricken

  • Grieving

  • Grievous

  • Grilled

  • Grim

  • Grimaced

  • Grimacing

  • Grimy

  • Grinding

  • Grinning

  • Griping

  • Gripping

  • Grisly

  • Gristly

  • Gritty

  • Grizzled

  • Grizzly

  • Groaning

  • Groggy

  • Groomed

  • Grooved

  • Groovy

  • Groping

  • Gross

  • Grotesque

  • Grotty

  • Grouchy

  • Ground-floor

  • Groundbreaking

  • Grounded

  • Groundless

  • Grouped

  • Groveling

  • Grovelling

  • Growing

  • Growling

  • Grown

  • Grown-up

  • Grubby

  • Grudging

  • Grueling

  • Gruesome

  • Gruff

  • Grumbling

  • Grumose

  • Grumous

  • Grumpy

  • Grungy

  • Gu

  • Guaranteed

  • Guardant

  • Guarded

  • Guatemalan

  • Gubernatorial

  • Guided

  • Guiding

  • Guileful

  • Guileless

  • Guilt-ridden

  • Guiltless

  • Guilty

  • Guinean

  • Gullible

  • Gullish

  • Gummed

  • Gummy

  • Gumptious

  • Gung-ho

  • Gurgling

  • Gushing

  • Gushy

  • Gusseted

  • Gustative

  • Gustatorial

  • Gustatory

  • Gusty

  • Gut-wrenching

  • Gutless

  • Gutsy

  • Guttural

  • Guyanese

  • Gymnastic

  • Gymnosophical

  • Gymnospermous

  • Gynecological

  • Gynandromorphic

  • Gynecologic

  • Gynecological

  • Gyral

  • Gyroscopic

There you have it: our full list of adjectives that start with G, whether positive, negative, or somewhere in between.

Don’t forget to run your writing through ProWritingAid to check for weaknesses and errors. The Word Explorer can help you make sure you’re using the best adjectives possible.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.