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Grammar Parts Of Speech 7 min2023-04-27 00:00

Adjectives That Start With E: 400+ E Adjectives

adjectives that start with e

If you’re writing a story, an essay, or a product description, and you need to use some adjectives that start with E, you’re in the right place.

Adjectives are describing words you can use in your writing to give your reader a better idea of what you’re writing about. There are thousands of adjectives in the English language you could use, and over 400 of those begin with the letter E.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with E. You’ll also find some examples of how to use some of them in sentences.

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Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Positive Adjectives That Start With E

When you want to describe something using a positive attribute, or focus on someone’s qualities, you need a strong adjective.

These adjectives are not synonyms for the word “positive,” but they are desirable qualities. For example, if a job is effortless, it means the person doing it doesn’t have to put in any effort, which is something most people would love. Therefore, it’s a positive word.

Here is a list of 40+ positive adjectives that start with E:

  • Eager

  • Early

  • Earthy

  • Easy

  • Eco-friendly

  • Effective

  • Efficient

  • Effortless

  • Elated

  • Elegant

  • Elevated

  • Elfish

  • Eloquent

  • Elvish

  • Eminent

  • Emotive

  • Empowering

  • Enchanted

  • Enchanting

  • Engaging

  • Enhanced

  • Enigmatic

  • Enjoyable

  • Enriching

  • Entertaining

  • Enthralled

  • Enticing

  • Entranced

  • Epic

  • Essential

  • Esteemed

  • Ethereal

  • Ethical

  • Euphoric

  • Excellent

  • Exceptional

  • Exciting

  • Exclusive

  • Exemplary

  • Exotic

  • Expert

  • Expressive

  • Extraordinary

  • Extravagant

  • Eye-catching

Negative Adjectives Starting With E

Negative adjectives are describing words for undesirable and unpleasant things. You can use these to describe people and objects if you want to give a poor impression of them.

Sometimes, using a specific adjective, rather than a long description, can save your word count and make a sentence easier to read. For example, instead of saying, “this socket will cause an electric shock if you touch it,” you could say, “this socket is electrifying, do not touch.”

Here is a list of 35 adjectives that start with E that are negative:

  • Edgy

  • Eerie

  • Effectless

  • Effortful

  • Egocentric

  • Egomaniacal

  • Egotistical

  • Egregious

  • Electrifying

  • Elusive

  • Emaciated

  • Embarrassed

  • Embarrassing

  • Embittered

  • Empty-handed

  • Endangered

  • Enforced

  • Enraged

  • Entitled

  • Enviable

  • Envious

  • Epidemic

  • Errant

  • Erroneous

  • Evasive

  • Evil

  • Exasperated

  • Excessive

  • Excruciating

  • Exhausting

  • Expired

  • Expiring

  • Exploitative

  • Exploited

  • Eye-watering

E Words to Describe Someone

If you need to describe someone in a story or a report, it’s best to be as specific as you can so the reader can imagine the right person. You can use adjectives beginning with E to achieve the mental image you’re aiming for.

If you really want to grab your reader’s attention with your description of someone, try using alliteration by using words that start with the same letter in your sentence. For example, your main character could be an eclectic, elderly lady wearing elegant, Egyptian earrings.

alliteration definition

You could use describing words, including one beginning with E, to describe a colleague in a review. For example, you could describe your colleague as “a very earnest young man.”

Here is a list of 150+ adjectives that start with E, which you can use to describe someone:

  • Eager

  • Eagle-eyed

  • Eared

  • Earless

  • Earnest

  • Earringed

  • Earthborn

  • East African

  • East Anglian

  • East Bengali

  • East German

  • East Pakistani

  • East Prussian

  • East Timorese

  • Easy-going

  • Ebriate

  • Ebullient

  • Eccentric

  • Eclectic

  • Economical

  • Ecstatic

  • Edgy

  • Educated

  • Edwardian

  • Eerie

  • Effeminate

  • Efficient

  • Egocentric

  • Egomaniacal

  • Egotistical

  • Egyptian

  • Elaborate

  • Elated

  • Elder

  • Elderly

  • Eldest

  • Electable

  • Elected

  • Elective

  • Electorial

  • Elegant

  • Elfish

  • Elite

  • Elizabethan

  • Eloquent

  • Elusive

  • Elvish

  • Emasculated

  • Embarrassed

  • Embarrassing

  • Embattled

  • Embellished

  • Embittered

  • Emergent

  • Eminent

  • Emotional

  • Emotionless

  • Emotive

  • Empassionate

  • Empathetic

  • Emphatic

  • Empowered

  • Empowering

  • Empty-handed

  • Enamored

  • Enchanted

  • Enchanting

  • Encouraged

  • Encouraging

  • Endangered

  • Endearing

  • Enduring

  • Energized

  • Engaged

  • Engaging

  • Engrossed

  • Engrossing

  • Enigmatic

  • Enlarged

  • Enlightened

  • Enormous

  • Enraged

  • Entangled

  • Enterprising

  • Entertained

  • Entertaining

  • Enthralled

  • Enthused

  • Enthusiastic

  • Enticing

  • Entranced

  • Entrepreneurial

  • Entry-level

  • Enviable

  • Envious

  • Environmental

  • Epic

  • Equal

  • Equipped

  • Errant

  • Erratic

  • Erroneous

  • Eruptive

  • Especial

  • Established

  • Esteemed

  • Estranged

  • Eternal

  • Ethereal

  • Ethical

  • Ethnic

  • Euphoric

  • European

  • Evasive

  • Even-tempered

  • Evenhanded

  • Evil

  • Evil-minded

  • Evocative

  • Ex-service

  • Exaggerated

  • Exalted

  • Exasperating

  • Excellent

  • Exceptional

  • Excitable

  • Excited

  • Exciting

  • Exemplary

  • Exhausted

  • Exhausting

  • Exhilarated

  • Existential

  • Exotic

  • Expat

  • Expectant

  • Expendable

  • Expensive

  • Experienced

  • Experimental

  • Expert

  • Explicit

  • Expressionless

  • Expressive

  • Exquisite

  • Extra

  • Extra-large

  • Extra-small

  • Extraordinary

  • Extraterrestrial

  • Extravagant

  • Extraverted

  • Extreme

  • Extroverted

  • Eye-catching

  • Eye-popping

  • Eye-watering

Character Traits Starting With E

When you’re designing a character for a story or novel, you need to pick some relatable character traits your reader will understand. Adjective words can describe character traits and help your reader imagine the character.

A well-developed character has qualities and flaws that make them the perfect person to face the challenges you’ll throw at them as they move through the plot of your story. Your character might be easygoing, extroverted, and egotistical, but he needs to learn to be more emotional to connect with his love interest.

Here is a list of 14 adjectives that start with E that you can use as character traits:

  • Easygoing

  • Eccentric

  • Efficient

  • Egotistical

  • Emotional

  • Empathetic

  • Empowering

  • Energetic

  • Enthusiastic

  • Entrepreneurial

  • Evasive

  • Evil

  • Extravagant

  • Extroverted

Compliments That Start With E

Most people love hearing a compliment, but if you can be specific about what you like about them or what they’ve done, you’ll make their day.

It’s a great idea to use adjectives to make your compliment sound more detailed and authentic. For example, you can comment on someone’s dress and say, “you look good,” but that doesn’t sound as complimentary as “you look elegant and enchanting.”

When giving compliments, if you want to make sure the receiver feels very special, try using uncommon adjectives starting with E to make your comment more unique.

Here is a list of 20 adjectives that start with E you can use as a compliment:

  • Eager

  • Eagle-eyed

  • Early

  • Edible

  • Educated

  • Efficient

  • Elegant

  • Eloquent

  • Empowering

  • Enchanting

  • Endearing

  • Enduring

  • Engaging

  • Enigmatic

  • Enjoyable

  • Entertaining

  • Euphoric

  • Excellent

  • Exceptional

  • Exciting

Descriptive Words Starting With E

Still haven’t found the perfect adjective starting with E for your writing piece? It might be because the word you’re looking for doesn’t fall into one of the other categories of this article. We have put together a complete list of descriptive words you can use.

If you’re writing some advertising copy and you need an adjective starting with E to create some alliteration for the brand, this is the perfect place to start.

Here is a list of 400+ descriptive adjectives that start with E:

  • Each

  • Eager

  • Eagle-eyed

  • Ear-grabbing

  • Ear-piercing

  • Ear-splitting

  • Eared

  • Earless

  • Early

  • Early-evening

  • Early-morning

  • Early-onset

  • Earnest

  • Earnings-related

  • Earringed

  • Earth-shattering

  • Earthborn

  • Earthbound

  • Earthlike

  • Earthly

  • Earthmoving

  • Earthshaking

  • Earthy

  • Easeful

  • Easeled

  • Easeless

  • Easily

  • East

  • East African

  • East Anglian

  • East Bengali

  • East German

  • East Pakistani

  • East Prussian

  • East Timorese

  • East-facing

  • Eastbound

  • Easterly

  • Eastern

  • Easternmost

  • Eastward

  • Easy

  • Easy-care

  • Easy-peasy

  • Easygoing

  • Eatable

  • Eathly

  • Eave

  • Eaved

  • Ebbless

  • Ebriate

  • Ebullient

  • Eburnean

  • Ecbolic

  • Eccentric

  • Echoey

  • Echoing

  • Eclectic

  • Ecocentric

  • Ecocidal

  • Eco-friendly

  • Ecological

  • Economic

  • Economical

  • Economistic

  • Economy

  • Ecotoxic

  • Ecstatic

  • Ecstatically

  • Ecuadorean

  • Edacious

  • Edaphic

  • Edental

  • Edged

  • Edgy

  • Ediacaran

  • Edible

  • Editable

  • Editorial

  • Educated

  • Educational

  • Educative

  • Educatory

  • Edwardian

  • Eerie

  • Effable

  • Effective

  • Effectless

  • Effectual

  • Effeminate

  • Efferent

  • Effervescent

  • Effete

  • Efficacious

  • Efficient

  • Effortful

  • Effortless

  • Effulgent

  • Effusive

  • Egalitarian

  • Egg-shaped

  • Eggless

  • Eggy

  • Egocentric

  • Egoless

  • Egomaniacal

  • Egotistic

  • Egotistical

  • Egregious

  • Egyptian

  • Eidetic

  • Eight

  • Eighteenth

  • Eightfold

  • Eightfoot

  • Eighth

  • Eightieth

  • Eightpenny

  • Either

  • Either-or

  • Ejectable

  • Ejective

  • Elaborate

  • Elastic

  • Elasticated

  • Elated

  • Elder

  • Elderly

  • Eldest

  • Electable

  • Elected

  • Elective

  • Electorial

  • Electric

  • Electrical

  • Electrified

  • Electrifying

  • Electromagnetic

  • Electronic

  • Elegant

  • Elemental

  • Elementary

  • Elevated

  • Eleventh

  • Elfin

  • Elfish

  • Eligible

  • Elite

  • Elizabethan

  • Elliptical

  • Elongated

  • Eloquent

  • Elsewhere

  • Elsewise

  • Eludible

  • Elusive

  • Elusory

  • Elvish

  • Emaciated

  • Emasculated

  • Embarrassed

  • Embarrassing

  • Embattled

  • Embedded

  • Embellished

  • Embittered

  • Embittering

  • Emblematic

  • Emboldened

  • Embolic

  • Embossed

  • Embroiled

  • Emerald

  • Emergency

  • Emergent

  • Emersed

  • Eminent

  • Emollient

  • Emotional

  • Emotionless

  • Emotive

  • Empassionate

  • Empathetic

  • Emphatic

  • Empirical

  • Empowered

  • Empowering

  • Empty

  • Empty-handed

  • Emulous

  • Enamored

  • Enchanted

  • Enchanting

  • Enclosed

  • Encouraged

  • Encouraging

  • Encrusted

  • End

  • Endangered

  • Endearing

  • Endemic

  • Endless

  • Endocentric

  • Endurable

  • Enduring

  • Energetic

  • Energized

  • Energizing

  • Energy

  • Energy-saving

  • Enforceable

  • Enforced

  • Engaged

  • Engaging

  • Engraved

  • Engrossed

  • Engrossing

  • Enhanced

  • Enigmatic

  • Enjoy

  • Enjoyable

  • Enlarged

  • Enlightened

  • Enormous

  • Enough

  • Enraged

  • Enriching

  • Enstructured

  • Ensuing

  • Entangled

  • Enterprising

  • Entertained

  • Entertaining

  • Enthralled

  • Enthused

  • Enthusiastic

  • Enticing

  • Entire

  • Entitled

  • Entranced

  • Entrepreneurial

  • Entry-level

  • Enumerable

  • Enunciable

  • Enviable

  • Envious

  • Environmental

  • Eolithic

  • Epic

  • Epidemic

  • Episodic

  • Epistemic

  • Equable

  • Equal

  • Equative

  • Equatorial

  • Equestrian

  • Equidistant

  • Equilateral

  • Equine

  • Equipped

  • Equitable

  • Equivalent

  • Erasable

  • Erect

  • Ergonomic

  • Eroding

  • Errable

  • Errant

  • Erratic

  • Erroneous

  • Eruptive

  • Escalating

  • Escaped

  • Esoteric

  • Especial

  • Essential

  • Established

  • Esteemed

  • Estimated

  • Estranged

  • Etched

  • Eternal

  • Ethereal

  • Ethical

  • Ethnic

  • Euphemistic

  • Euphoric

  • European

  • Evanescent

  • Evasive

  • Even

  • Even teeth

  • Even-tempered

  • Evenhanded

  • Evening

  • Eventful

  • Eventual

  • Evergreen

  • Everlasting

  • Every

  • Everyday

  • Evident

  • Evil

  • Evil-minded

  • Evocative

  • Ex-service

  • Exacerbating

  • Exact

  • Exacting

  • Exaggerated

  • Exalted

  • Exasperated

  • Exasperating

  • Exceeding

  • Excellent

  • Exceptional

  • Excessive

  • Exchangeable

  • Excitable

  • Excited

  • Exciting

  • Exclusive

  • Excruciating

  • Excubant

  • Excursive

  • Excusable

  • Execrable

  • Executable

  • Exemplary

  • Exemptive

  • Exercisable

  • Exhalent

  • Exhausted

  • Exhausting

  • Exhaustive

  • Exhibitive

  • Exhilarated

  • Exhilarating

  • Exigent

  • Existent

  • Existential

  • Existing

  • Exitless

  • Exocentric

  • Exodic

  • Exorbitant

  • Exotic

  • Expandable

  • Expanded

  • Expanding

  • Expansible

  • Expansive

  • Expat

  • Expectant

  • Expected

  • Expedient

  • Expedited

  • Expeditionary

  • Expeditious

  • Expellant

  • Expendable

  • Expensive

  • Experienced

  • Experimental

  • Expert

  • Expirable

  • Expired

  • Expiring

  • Explainable

  • Explicable

  • Explicit

  • Exploding

  • Exploitable

  • Exploitative

  • Exploited

  • Explosive

  • Exponential

  • Exportable

  • Exposed

  • Express

  • Expressionistic

  • Expressionless

  • Expressive

  • Exquisite

  • Extemporaneous

  • Extendable

  • Extended

  • Extension

  • Extensive

  • Exterior

  • External

  • Extinct

  • Extra

  • Extra-large

  • Extra-small

  • Extracurricular

  • Extralogical

  • Extraneous

  • Extraordinary

  • Extraterrestrial

  • Extravagant

  • Extraverted

  • Extreme

  • Extroverted

  • Exuberant

  • Exultant

  • Eye-catching

  • Eye-level

  • Eye-popping

  • Eye-watering

  • Eyeable

  • Eyed

There you have it—a long list of adjectives that start with E, which you can use in your creative, academic, and business writing.

If you see a word on the list and you’re not sure what it means, or you want to see a list of synonyms for it, try typing it into the ProWritingAid Word Explorer. You can use this feature to learn about new words and enrich your writing further.

Remember to bookmark this article if you’re going to need some adjectives that start with E when you’re writing.

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.