How to Structure Your Plot and Finally Get Started on Your Novel

With Katja Kaine of The Novel Factory

Open book sitting on table

Your Speaker

Katja Kaine

Katja Kaine is a writer and is also the creator of The Novel Factory—a purpose-built software for novel writers. Her software is trusted by thousands of writers. It helps new writers learn their craft while completing their first novel, and more experienced authors write more efficiently.

As a writer, Katja has achieved success in various writing awards, including being short-listed for the Bath Children’s Novel Award, coming second in the WriteMentor Novel-in-Development Award, and being selected for the SCBWI Undiscovered Voices anthology. Earlier this year, she was offered representation by the Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency and is currently preparing her YA fantasy for submission to publishers.

Katja is half Singaporean and half German, and when she’s not writing or working on The Novel Factory, she can be found taking pictures of fungus on long forest walks, bending into pretzel yoga shapes, and doing messy art projects with her kids.

Katja Kaine